


6 years, 1 month ago


Name- Imp

Species- Demon(imp)

Gender- male

Occupation- soul tormentor/collector(former), CEO of a fairly large office

Age- 100+ but acts pretty imature(like early to mid 20s)

Height- 6'3"(before horns, in both forms)

Personality- lusty(especially when drunk), a tad bossy and demanding(when hung over), otherwise he's pretty imature and likes to keep up good relations with his employees. He doesn't like to act like a snob in public, but in privacy, he likes to pull a Scroog McDuck in roll in money...hes a weird dude...

History- Imp had been cast away from the depths of Hell during the late 19th century and had wandered in Exile for a few years before stumbling into the "lands above". Since then, he has worked in the same office for the past 70 or so years, rising through the ranks before finally becoming the CEO of his office. He runs his office the same way the job he had in hell was run...surprisingly loose leashed with great benefits if you can believe it! Satan has tried t o get him back to hell but Imp enjoys the surface too much, finding bars to be fun to him and the constant change of technology inquisitively charming.

Accepted head canons-

Imp seems like the type to insist that no, he isn't spooky, you're the spooky one where he's from!