


1 year, 2 months ago


Notice: This code broke a little. I messed up the formatting of thousands of lines of code. Thankfully any written information has not been messed up. I may not fix this issue for quite some time as it requires me to completely redo the coding.

"Oh it's just a soup (ercut of us)" -Lorde







Hive/Ice Hybrid

Wings of Fire

It Takes a Nation of Millenials to Destroy a Nation of Millions…

Machine Girl


Bakery Manager/Outlaw








Compassionate / Odd / Determined

Milkshake is very easily influenced by others. He wishes to be exactly as what's expected of a normal dragon, especially due to his hybrid nature. Not only do they want to hide that part of himself, they also want to be rather normal in general. He tries to either match or be complimentary to other dragon's personalities, picking up the small traits they have for himself.

Typically he can be awkward in conversation, only speaking when they have something important to say or outright given the opportunity to speak. They like to stick to those he's already close to, and can only be more open when he is in a familiar setting. To the dragons he knows well, he tends to be much louder, outgoing, and overall more personal.


Health4/10+1+0Little Natural Defenses
Attack3/10+0+3Frostbreath + Stinger Dysfunctional
Defense6/10+0+2Tough Scales + Hard to Touch (Cold)
Magic1/10+0+0Magical (Cursed) Body
Speed8/10+1-1Thin and Wiry, Easy to Escape
Intelligence10/10+2+0Lots of Alone Time, Reads + Observes the World

Weapon of Choice

Anything nearby he can get his talons on. Is scarily skilled with cooking utensils.

Head Adornments

Prescription glasses. Has very poor vision without them, so they are fastened securely to his horns. Other head accessories are difficult to wear due to the spikes on their head.


Doesn't usually wear outfits, partially due to the fact that their spikes make it incredibly annoying and/or difficult. As per his Icewing genes, clothes are also entirely unnecessary. He often finds himself far too hot living in the Hives, especially during the dry season.

War Cry

"No more Mister Nice Guy." *crosses arms firmly*

Fav Food

Coffee Cakes

Main Character Syndrome

Mildly self explanatory. Has just about everything happen to them and still makes it out just fine (well alive at least).


Quite obvious for the owner of a bakery. Can whip up just about any baked good you can think of, even those he's never heard before. Give him an ingredients list and a day and they'll have it ready before the sun sets.

Attracting Attention

A hybrid such as himself is hardly a sight to miss. With his curse from birth added on, there's eyes no matter where they go.

Annoying the Villains

Could probably make just about any evil dragon tilt their head back and groan in exasperation. Doesn't matter the technique, he will find a way.


  • Set in a Wings of Fire AU in which an animus from long ago set a curse loose, targeting hybrid dragons specifically.

  • Milkshake is affected by this curse, making him almost unrecognizable as a normal tribe.

  • Through the course of the story, Milkshake not only fights against the dragons who believe he shouldn't exist, but also the very reason he does.
His Parents

Milkshake's mother was a Hivewing, a rather respectable one at that. Nobody had expected her to be in an inter-tribe relationship, she seemed far too concerned about her reputation most days to risk such a thing.

She was well rounded out: a good fighter, intelligent, wealthy. She focused her life on experiencing as much as possible and as a result she did not have the specialized talent of many dragons. Despite all of this, she was still held to high regards.

Milkshake's Icewing father on the other hand was the opposite of a respected dragon. The only reason he lived in the Hives was to get away from the Ice Kingdom. He figured the structure of the Hive would be the closest thing he could get to back home.

If you asked any dragon of Weevil Hive what the definition of a nerd was, they'd point straight to him. Milkshake inherited their need for glasses from him, and much of their awkward personality as well. The Icewing turned out to be incredibly interested in insects after moving to the Hive, and published multiple of his studies.

The two dragons had met while Milkshake's mother found herself interested in the study of insects herself. It wasn't long before she stumbled upon the Icewing's work, and she had been charmed by his awkwardness. They hadn't intended to become a couple, but she sought him out and they both seemed to click in a strange way.

Very Early Life

While Milkshake wasn't entirely planned he was welcome to the interesting couple. The two began to plan becoming a family together, they would raise Milkshake to be an adventerous dragon who always followed his heart.

The first fraction of Milkshake's life was incredibly strange. While his parents were happy together and loved him ever so dearly, there was always a darkness creeping up on him. One thing his parents hadn't accounted for was his hybrid curse, given to him by a long gone animus dragon from eons ago.

For a while, his parents had kept him hidden, afraid at the backlash they would face if others knew what he looked like. His strangley tall and eerily thin bug-like body often made other dragons uncomfortable, though it was hard to notice at his hatching day.

After Milkshake was taken home, his curse seemed to worsen. It looked as though he "sprouted" 2 extra pairs of eyes, though they had merely been closed for the first few weeks. As he grew, he became more and more different from a normal dragon.

Soon, it was impossible to hide this curse. His parents had swiftly become the most unpopular dragons in Weevil Hive. They found themselves excluded from several areas, dragons refusing service to them, even poor Milkshake felt the brunt of the resentment. He was often met with revolted looks, dragons steering away from him whenever he was nearby. He did not understand it fully at the time, but the emotions stuck with him.

At barely a year old, Milkshake's family began to fall apart as his parents weren't able to handle the pressure of society. The moment where his parents lost their title of being kind and caring was when they decided to get rid of Milkshake, handing him off to whoever would take him and then pretending he had never happened.

The couple had never been seen again in Weevil Hive. Any dragon you asked would either say they had locked themselves in a hidden away corner of the Hive or had left to another Hive entirely. Most dragons believe they are still together, but being extremely secretive about it.

Getting Adopted

Even though most dragons had been disgusted by Milkshake, after he was abandoned quite a few dragons felt sympathetic for him. He might have been cursed and looked nothing like a regular tribe dragon but it wasn't his fault that he was hatched.

Only a couple days after their parents left, Milkshake was taken in by a kind dragonetless Silkwing family. Most Hivewings didn't like him, likely because he was seen as a "corrupted Hivewing," though Silkwings were the more kind and caring tribe of the two and welcomed him with open arms.

It was through this family that he met Zephyr, his next-door neighbor. The two became quick friends, Zephyr never even considered Milkshake to be weird. He thought the spikes, extra eyes, and Milkshakes height were all incredible.

Through his Silkwing family, Milkshake had grown up as normally as he could after what had happened when he was younger. They were still insecure around most dragons that didn't know him, and was always cautious. Over the next 5 years, Milkshake mainly stuck to their family and Zephyr, making only a few friends here and there. When Zephyr went through his metamorphosis the two had become closer than ever before, and decided to leap through their adulthood together.

First Adult Life

Nobody was surprised when Milkshake and Zephyr became a couple. They had both been each other's best friends for most of their lives, and would never once put anybody above the other.

Shortly after moving in together, they began to dream about their future together. Milkshake had suggested a bakery and Zephyr gladly embraced the idea. Milkshake often baked him goods and Zephyr was happy to give them the opporunity to make more.

It took a couple hurdles to get through, but the grand opening of their bakery was a success. Milkshake was popular among Silkwings and so was their bakery. Silkwings became their most common customer, though it wasn't too rare to see Hivewings. Other tribes were still more likely to grab a taste of the baked goods however, even though they didn't often live in Hives in the first place.

Zephyr and Milkshake tended to their bakery over the next 5 years or so. They were content in their life, and the two were certain they would stick together for the rest of their lives.

A New Law

Not too long after Milkshake had been adopted, more and more inter-tribe couples sprouted across Pyrrhia. Within just a few years, hybrid dragons had become somewat more common. Many dragons took a look at Milkshake and thought "it's just a slightly different body, they're still a regular dragon."

The attitude against hybrid dragons became much more positive. One of the hybrids was Frostdew, a Silkwing/Icewing hybrid. She was incredibly beautiful, sparkling pastel scales in every hue. No dragon could have predicted that her Metamorphosis would change everything. Her curse caused the Metamorphosis to go wrong. The parts of her that were Icewing were horribly disfigured, namely her face, claws, and tail tip.

Almost immediately after this, hybrid dragons were in danger. The Icewing queen, seeing what Silkwing genes had done to "corrupt" her tribe, called for the banning of all inter-tribe relationships and hybrids. The Hivewing Queen was quick to join her, seeing the way her subjects felt about Milkshake. Skywings and Nightwings were also behind this cause due to their beliefs about dragonets.

Most other tribes were neutral on this topic, only Silkwings and Rainwings actively arguing against this rule. Ultimately the tribes came to a compromise of allowing inter-tribe relationships as long as they did not have dragonets.

With this new rule in place, the Icewing and Hivewing queen decided that dragons who break the law would be arrested. Since Milkshake was a hybrid, it wasn't long before Icewing guards came to his bakery to seize him. Milkshake couldn't fight back, and urged Zephyr to help them. Zephyr ultimately followed in Milkshake's parent's footsteps, giving up on them once loving Milkshake became an inconvience to him.

Milkshake was promptly whisked away and thrown in the Icewing hybrid dungeon. Not only was Frostdew here, but an interesting dragon that caught Milkshake's eye.

Life with Jaws

In progress.

Design Notes

  •   (Image will be added soon when I draw one)
  •   3 pairs of eyes! 3 on each side of his head. He will often close 2 pairs and only keep his "main" ones open, though if he keeps all of them open the two that are closed most often tend to be slower to move. Sometimes he gets a lazy eye.
  •   Incredibly thin body type. Can be creepy to other dragons.
  •   Inspired by the Spiney Flower Mantis, especially for his wings. Wings can be opaque or slightly transparent.
  •   Symmetrical except for his black leg + cheek splotches
  •   Has his glasses on at all times. While he can take them off, he chooses to keep them on constantly.
  •   Has two flower petal-like "fans" on the base of his tail. Similar to how a lot of people draw fans on a bird dragons tail.
  •   Fairly tall as well. Is often an entire neck taller than other dragons. He is very long and tall in every aspect of his design. If he was human he would be over 7 feet tall
  •   While his body is on the more scary side, he has a kind face under all of his creepy features.
  •   Will only ever wear small accessories (bracelet, simple necklace, etc.) anything more would interfere with his spikes and make him overheat.
  •   Incredibly spikey and sharp. Longer talons than most dragons. Think of the characters you see drawn with triangle shape language.
  •   He does have the body parts in order to breathe frostbreath as well as a Hivewing stinger on the end of his tail. Due to his hybridism neither of them actually work, though he does have intensely cold breath (like an Icewing just before they use frostbreath) and his stinger can still stab, though it doesn't contain toxins.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Zephyr always admired Milkshake in a way. He thought they looked awesome, and adored his uniqueness.

He was incredibly happy to be Milkshake's boyfriend. They two were perfect for each other in practically every way. They complimented the other in such a way that no dragon would doubt they truly loved each other.

His betrayal of Milkshake wasn't done out of malice. Zephyr didn't suddenly decide to stop loving them and hand them over. Zephyr was scared, and even though that doesn't make what he did perfectly fine to do it was a reasonable explanation for it. Zephyr didn't want to be the next target of this law against hybrids, and he knew that trying to fight the guards would mean either getting thrown into jail too or being a fugitive for the rest of his life.

In the end, Zephyr decided to choose saving himself. He wanted to keep his normal life over his lover. Whether it was the right thing for him to do is up to the reader.





I want them real thick and juicy -Pharaoh


The two were imprisoned together in the Icewing hybrid jail. Jaws was in interesting mix of three tribes, and his Icewing genes happened to be the least prevalent, though you wouldn't have noticed with how heavily the curse affected him.

Jaws was incredibly charasmatic, and Milkshake found themself drawn to him. With Zephyr's betrayal in mind however, Milkshake was cautious. While Jaws could be trusted more with their hybrid identity, Milkshake didn't know anything else about him.

It took a long time for Milkshake to fully trust Jaws. Not only was he incredibly reluctant to open up to him, but even when he could trust Jaws, it still took a while for them to become truly close.





All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of jesus.

Enemy (?)
Curse Giver

Milkshake never truly knew Adewale. The name was on a similar level to most Icewing Animus dragons. The only reason Adewale was ever specially known outside of the Icewing tribe was by hybrid dragons and dragons in inter-tribe relationships.

To Milkshake, Adewale was no different than the dragons on the Hive roads giving him patronizing looks. Adewale was just another dragon telling him that he was wrong and should never have existed. The only difference is that Adewale was the reason Milkshake was so different from other dragons.

It wasn't fair that Milkshake would have to suffer just to be an example to others about how revolting his existence was.



