
8 years, 7 months ago


Names || Dexter, Adar, & Jonah
Nickname || Djia
Sex || Male
Age || Adult
Species || Chimera
Orientation || Straight
Occupation || Teacher
Homeworld || Xoam
Residency || Xoam
Status || Alive
Theme || ---


⇀ Three Heads are Better than One

They may have their disagreements, but Djia has become known as one of the better teachers in Xoam.


⇀ Description


Dexter is a playful pup who irritates his fellow heads to no end, but also keeps the group together.  His innocence in comparison to both Adar and Jonah makes him the 'younger brother' of the three - the one to need protection.  He is also the one to lead creative projects and educational skits for the class to participate in.  His unending patience and happiness rub off on his students... although he is poor in the way of dicipline.


Adar finds himself the more level headed of both his siblings, but it is also difficult for him to have say in what he does.  Having very little control of the body he shares, he is the one who tends to get into the most arguments when it comes to choices such as where to go and what to do.  This being said, he has a passion for children and teaching, particularly that of history.  He prides himself on being the more intelligent of his siblings - able to recall numerous facts after just having read them once through the extrodinary power of photographic memory.  Adar is also skilled in languages, knowing all five languages of Letrion.


While Adar might be the smartest of the three in how much information he can retain, Jonah is the one who works with numbers.  He's excellent at statistics and probability, considering himself to be the most 'logical' of the bunch.  Besides this, he's outgoing and fascinated by the functionality of the world.  Of Djia as one, Jonah is the most interested as to how he and his brothers function.  He wants answers, but his siblings do not wish to go through any more medical treatment and studies than the have to.

⇀ Stats

Due the the fact these creatures have three different personalities, their stats would be extremely hard to calculate.



⇀ Description

Djia, as one being, is actually three different minds with one body.  Physically they appear normal in the way their body works, but behind the fur, flesh, and feathers is a very complex anatomical build.  The three brothers have seperate heads, brains, spinal cords, stomachs, hearts, and lungs.  However, their digestive system is ultimately fused together at the intestines.  Their skeletal structure is both fascinating and confusing, as it almost appears they are made to be as they are - with one complete skeleton, apart from their three seperate necks.  Their spines come together, while their spinal cords do not, and they share pelvic, rib, and leg bones.

Dexter controls the right front and back legs, while Jonah controls the left.  Adar's only form of power is through his tail, although judging on scarrs on his chest, Djia had a third leg removed which may have been useless, but once connected to Adar's nervous system.  Although you'd think having two different minds controling one body would be disasterous - nevermind Adar's input - they work as a team.  It's rare that they slip up and predict each other wrong.  There seems to be some sort of telepathic connection between them.

What is even odder about their appearance isn't just that they're three different species, but that Adar is avian.  Dexter appears like that of a Doberman, Adar a cockatoo, while Jonah is a Serval.  Their anatomy meshes into one beyond their heads and necks.  No amount of science can explain how Djia survived - but much of that is due to their being brought through the Gateway.  Perhaps where they come from, chimeras like Djia are common, or perhaps he was a genetic expiriment, or even still an anomaly.  Everything's up in the air about how Djia functions - but one thing's for certain, they make it work.

⇀ Important Notes

  • Dexter controls the right side while Jonah controls the left - make sure this makes sense in context of an image.
  • Their tail starts out covered in feathers, then morphs into what looks to be a cross between a dog and a cat's tail.
  • Adar controls only the tail, and because of this Djia's tail is prehensile like a monkey's.


⇀ Background

Work in Progress.

⇀ Important Moments

  • Work in Progress


image_coming_soon_by_fizzgryphon-daei2jw ⇀Name [ relationship ]
Work in Progress.
image_coming_soon_by_fizzgryphon-daei2jw ⇀Name [ relationship ]
Work in Progress.

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