$5 Heads's Comments

Still open?

Would you take trades for this?

Sadly at this time I would not

Hello!! Are these still open? Would love to grab one!

Hi can I claim multiple for when I get paid on the 27th??? Pay via paypal! I'd like 6!

Yeah of course!

Awesome would you like me to message you my characters in advance so you can make sure you can do them?

Sure go right ahead!


Omg i want. Can i have one?? $5 right?

Yeah of course!

https://toyhou.se/18182781.tbn this one please! :>

Oki doki!

Feel free to send the $5 whenever you’re ready to [email protected]


If you’re still open, I’d like one or two

Yeah I sure am!

What would you like?

I can definitely do all 3

(人・㉨・)♡ okay !! 

If you're still interested, the total for all 3 would be $15

4 Replies

Hello! :>
What is the turn around time for this? o:

Roughly anywhere from a couple hours to a few days depending on my schedule!


I was thinking of getting one for this design: https://toyhou.se/12309502.22

They have multiple Color variations, would it be possible to get this with the different version? o: (lmk how much more it would be, recolouring the hair for the different versions and slightly adjusting the make up ^^

So you would want 5 separate color schemes?

Potentially, depending on price :> 

Well I could probably do all 5 for $13

$5 for the initial head + $2 for each extra recolor

16 Replies