Allison Raine



1 year, 2 months ago


Gender/Pronouns: Cis Woman, She/Her 

Species: Human (Has very distant Elven ancestry) 

Abilities: None 

Sexuality: Lesbian 

Age: Late 20’s 

Personality: General Raine is very closed off on the surface, but underneath all of her walls she’s an incredibly caring person. In the past, she’s gotten hurt over and over again for things she’s done and refuses to let herself or those around her go through that same pain because of her actions. She can be very soft, and does have people she lets into her life and see parts of her mind, but it's a rare occurrence. She’s a stickler for the rules most of the time, especially with her rank and experience in mind.

Story Summary: As a teenager, Allison worked very hard to get into the royal army and to eventually join the palace guard. She’s always been very goal oriented, and her goal was to join the guard force to protect people. When she started working at the palace after excelling in the training program, she met Lyla and fell in love with the gorgeous girl hoping to be a ladies maid, and the rest between them is history. She proposed around 5 years into their relationship, and they’re slowly getting wedding plans ready but aren’t in any rush.