Earl Tarian Huttleforth



1 year, 2 months ago


The Earl



NameTarian Huttleforth
HairLight Brown

"Afraid? I'm bloody terrified!" 

The Earl, real name Tarian Huttleforth, is the Human Governor of Luthic in central Essylliss. A cowardly and eccentric man, he is powerless to stop the Midnight Runners pestering his citizens due to his intense fear of their leader, Dexy.

He possesses a Sending Stone with a direct link to one held by Dexy. It is unknown why he was given this item.


The Earl is a human male of above-average height but is incredibly thin. He has wavy, light brown hair and a well-groomed mustache. He commonly dresses in a brown two-piece suit and accompanying stovepipe hat. When in his office, he removes his coat and simply wears a white undershirt and suspenders. He has noticeable bags under his eyes, due to his overall lack of sleep. He looks considerably older than he actually is.


The Earl is incredibly cowardly. Everything he does is for the self-interest of himself and his few close friends and family members. His stated goal is merely to "withstand the storm" rather than to deal with the Midnight Runners or Dexy himself. Despite these flaws, he is deeply loyal to his allies and vice versa.


Tarian was born to a family of lesser nobility in Nevernight. His parents would die when he was very young, causing him to be primarily raised by his maternal grandfather and noted monster hunter, Lord Bellam Huttleforth. 

In 701 AG, while living in Luthic, Tarian and Bellam lead the city to repel an attack by the Black Breath warband. For his bravery and leadership abilities, Tarian was given the rank of Earl by the previous King of Nevernight, Drewford Castronovo. In 706 AG, several years after Drewford's passing, Tarian was assigned to be the governor of Luthic by King Deen Castronovo.

At some point prior to the start of the campaign, Tarian met with and formed an uneasy "alliance" with Dexy of the Midnight Runners. The Runners would not bother the Earl, and the Earl would not formally oppose the group's activities in Luthic. 


After breaking into the Earl's manor, the party discovered that the Earl and his men were responsible for the break-in on Palladium's Apartment. They also learned that the Earl is almost completely broke, only staying afloat by embezzling tax funds from the city.

Before departing for Mazhi, the party finally met the Earl in-person at his office. Once the party's offer of help was refused, they would reveal knowledge of the Earl's misdeeds and connection with Dexy. Following a short standoff with the Earl's assistant, they would reach a fraught truce.


Lord Bellam Huttleforth- Tarian's maternal grandfather, a renowned monster hunter who raised Tarian for most of his life. In his advanced age, Bellam lives in Tarian's manor.

"Wallford J. Wallford"- The Earl's assistant and close friend. 

Rufus Coppermop- The Earl's secretary and long-time friend.

Dexy- The leader of the Midnight Runners. The Earl is one of the few living people outside of the Runners to know Dexy's appearance.