Eros Wightman



1 year, 2 months ago



❁ Eros ❁

" Well, should we get moving, ladies? "

Eros is a calm lion. Little does he ever sway to too strong of emotions. He isn't one for getting extremely excited, but he also never quite gets devastated. He has a nice control over his emotions, and he uses this to help others with their own. Eros is a sweet soul, and he holds the heart to try and help everyone to the best of his ability. Though he does understand he's meant to be a wanderer and that he can't help everyone. We all follow our own paths, and sometimes people can't be helped, no matter how hard he tries. He's okay with that. Despite his youth he has gone through situations that have made him who he is today. He's come across many prideless lions, many of which have taught him the lessons he uses to help others. He considers himself a messenger, when he does this. Eros also does have a great memory and often cherishes small interactions he's had. His mind is his own little memory book! If he meets up with someone again, albeit accidental, he will act as though you and him are old friends, coming across distant lands to meet once more. Something he believes are 'gifts from above.'

Eros has always been a prideless lion. He never was aware of who his mother was, for as soon as he was weaned he was left to his father, a prideless lion who appeared to look much like him. While Eros had those small moments with his mother, they've faded way beyond his childish brain, leaving them distant in his memory. The only trace of her within him truly is his orangish eyes, which are a stunning copy of hers. He does hope to one day meet her again, but he also is aware that he may meet the afterlife long before he may have the possibility to do so. He doesn't fear death, not at all. In fact, it's almost welcoming to him to know that he'll meet many more people after he's gone.

by iinvy helped by LowkeyWicked