


1 year, 1 month ago


pronouns: she/her
trans fem
description: small, lithe black short-furred cat with green eyes and a spikey, white-tipped tail.

personality: anxious, honest, worrisome, self-doubting, protective, dedicated, smart, loyal, rule-follower, pessimistic, responsible, kind-hearted, uptight.

Thistletail does her best to protect her clanmates, though she often doubts herself and believes she is worth less than the others. She is not vocal about her insecurities towards herself, rather, she comes across as worried for the sake of others. She is a rule-follower, and may take some convincing to be more flexible.

rank: Interpreter, Leaf-fall warrior.

information: due to Thistletail's heritage (being the only living kin of Nightstar), and a cryptic message from StarClan, Thistletail was made to be an interpreter at a very young age. it was obvious right away that Thistletail was, in fact, excelling intellectually for her age. however, Thistletail never really got a say in anything that happened to her. this lead to her to feeling unimportant and weak compared to her clanmates. she was often dismissed from regular warrior training to focus on interpreter things, which further made her feel as though the clan thought she was incapable of being strong or a fighter. in fact, she was told time and time again by the other interpreters that she wasn't built for doing the things that warriors did, and that her only way of protecting the clan was to gather information and interpret messages from StarClan. despite this, Thistetail still did all she could to continue her warrior training alongside her interpreter work, and though she doesn't know it, many cats admire her greatly for that; though it would help if they told her more often.