


1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info







World of Origin


Magic Types

Arcanic Life, Nature, Light


Kittos and her sister, Mentha, when they were born to Shero and Notar, they were born very ill and they almost did not make it through their first month. No one had any idea why, but thankfully in their second month they started healing from their illness. Everyone took it as a sign of good luck from Memoril, though some were still worried it would come back. Thankfully, it never did.

When Kittos and Mentha turned a year old, it was time for them to become Shyriae. By that time however, the two sisters had grown so close they refused to be separated even to training, and they pleaded with the Leader at the time, Delfy, to allow them to stay together. With some persuasion, Delfy - who is also their grandfather - eventually agreed to it. They were assigned to Geanshe, who, at the time, was the Vsthokian most versed in healing, but even he wasn't as good at it. Both Shyriae found exactly healing topics to be most interesting. They cared little for fighting, but were listening intently whenever Geanshe started talking about herbs, mixtures and other things and always did really well.

Of course, Geanshe didn't let this pass his eyes, and he reported back to Delfy. After a little discussion, Delfy summoned the sisters to his place. Kittos expressed both their wants to become healers in Elyjaranya - they hated fighting, and wanted to instead mend the wounds left behind by it. Delfy offered to speak with one of the Elders to find a good healer to teach them after they're done learning as Shyriae, and the sisters enthusiastically agreed. Delfy then spoke to Pluto, who agreed to it and searched through the Multiversal. A healer from Nohrazi reached back and agreed to take the two under her teaching once they would be done with their current learning.

Kittos and Mentha ended up spending 3 Vsthokian years (5 Nohrazi years) with the healer, Unity, and her group, The Stargazers. They were warmly welcomed, and became rather close friends with Rememberance, Divinity and the group's leader, Nebula. Unity taught them a lot more than Geanshe could specifically on healing, but they did occasionally spar with group members so they don't forget everything else they learnt. They were sad to have to return to Vsthok, but promised to uphold Unity's teachings on herbs, mixtures, spells and other substances and use it well to help out their own. And they did.

They did it so well, in fact, that the sisters became quite known in the Multiversal and helped get Vsthok's name out. Creatures from all over, but mostly from Nohrazi, Hjori and Yedeika, would seek them out for treatment, especially after word spread of Unity's passing, which the sisters mourned greatly. They saved countless lives, healed dozens of wounds and even helped deal with mental problems to those who needed. Eventually they even took in a young kitten from what was left of The Stargazers, now known as Aspen Leaves, to teach what Unity once taught them.

Unfortunately, not even that could last forever. After the Myo Uprising, they weren't lucky enough to escape before they were also turned. Their love they had for each other as sisters was yet stronger than Aeria's attempts of control and they became the only ones able to resist her, still bound together by what little love remained of their emotions as Vsthok slowly descended into a Ghost World, drifting ever closer to the Veil.