


6 years, 13 days ago

Basic Info









Relationship Status



Usually pretty angry or annoyed, even looking at her wrong could throw her off. Defensive about most personal questions. IF you can get past her walls she just wants someone to try and someone to lean on. Once friends she is also protective of the person not wanting them to get in danger and while will act like she doesnt, definitely cares.


Light blue


Short light blue, Shaved on one side

Body type


Additional Features

An awkwatd mix of dragon and human teeth, Horns, and a large blue dragon tail. A few random patches of scales on her body in various places.

Voice Claim

Nova Rockafella





Pretty normal diet, though she prefers meats


Ashta is stronger, faster, and has enhanced sense due to her dragon side, nothing extreme but noticable. Able to breath fire like a dragon but due to her being human, its just about the same amount a baby dragon could spew


Eats cold food or chews ice to calm self down, traces her scale patches when she is bored. Ticklish where her tail meets skin, but if you rub any other part of her tail she is like a dog getting belly rubs.

Negative Traits

Quick to anger, annoyed at most, quick to start a fight


    Ashta was born to a dragon and human, growing up it was more apparent to her father that she wouldn't be able to do even half the things a normal dragon could. Their relationship grew more and more apart through the year as she never felt she could really live up to his expectations of her. She often overheard her parents talking, her mother would try to calm her father but he would always go on about her not being able to show her potential, and how she still hasn't had her first transition to a full dragon body. As a kid, she would sit in her room and try to force herself to transition into some form she never had.

    Going into her teen years her resentment for her father grew as he constantly left the two for months on end only to come back and complain more about Ashta. Through the trouble with her father, she wasn't a perfect student either getting into fights and arguments, often resulting in fist, teeth, and sometimes even flames. With neither her home or school life being any good it got her caught up with plenty of kids who would happily stab her in the back first sign of getting somewhere, often getting her blamed for things they did. All of this came together one night, her father was home arguing with her mother again. Ashta had enough storming out of her room and getting in her fathers face, The two arguing could have burnt the house down.  The argument ended with Ashta telling her mother she loved her and walking out.

    This didn't help anything as Ashta ended up at one of her "friends" houses, kind of the alpha of the group, he jumped from girl to girl and Ashta wasn't free from his mind games especially now that she lived with him for the time being. Though "living" isn't the best way to describe it as she often fought with him as well walking out and sleeping at someone else's most nights, the two would go back and forth, people joked they argued like a married couple through the relationship was more abusive then that, going both ways. Ashta had recently walked out again saying she was finally done with him. For the time being she is has been sleeping on peoples couches and jumping from hotel to hotel