


6 years, 15 days ago


This character was an adopt I got from MikiJuq on DeviantArt!


Name: Octavia

Age: ???

Height: 5’0

Race: Alien of some kind

Personality: Overpowering, Blunt, Seemingly cute and clueless on the outside

Likes: Fighting, Cute Outfits, Space Slushies, Food

Dislikes: Handcuffs, Being Hungry

-Short Summary-

Octavia is an alien from a rival planet to Issac, her race often attacks and conquers other planets, to take for themselves. Octavia trained to fight from a young age and was taught to enjoy it, she’s a soldier in her planet’s defence corps. On her off days, Octavia loves to shop for cute outfits and binge eat. Despite her cute appearance, Octavia is a formidable opponent and often overwhelms her opposition at frightening speed.

If she asks you for some of your food, you better give it to her!