


1 year, 2 months ago





Species: Gemdoll (Plastic)
Height: 5'8" / 1,74m (1'3" / 36cm)
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Job: Barista
Home: A small flat in the capital
Quote: "May I take a picture of you?"


  • Researching about Penelope's life
  • Polaroid cameras
  • His tattoos
  • Coffee


  • Anyone who comes close to Penelope
  • Crowded places
  • Other people's frown
  • Alcohol



Reserved | Polite | Has a good poker face | Agile | Hard to ruffle (except when it concerns Penelope)

Ramses possesses a reserved but polite demeanor, adept at concealing his emotions behind a skillful poker face. Indifferent to most matters, he remains unflappable, except when it concerns Penelope, a girl he obsessively stalks in secret. His passion lies in capturing moments through his Polaroid camera, finding solace in the art of photography. As a barista in a local coffee shop, he takes pride in his work. Next to his reserved nature, Ramses is a talented dancer, although he prefers to indulge in dancing privately, when nobody is watching.








In his former home, a nomadic tribe in the White Desert, it was believed that tattoos would appear on the skin when one met their soulmate. However, Ramses always remained ink-free, a flaw that made him an outcast in the community. Ridiculed and mocked, he left the tribe and sought his fortune in the modern city of Docordis, the capital of the eponymous capital of the continent. There, he found work as a barista in a cozy café called Twoheart. But still, he felt incomplete.

Months passed until one day, in a bustling street, Ramses collided with a girl named Penelope. Groceries scattered on the ground, and when their eyes met, Ramses was struck by an unfamiliar feeling. Tattoos suddenly appeared on his face, recognized as the mark of his soulmate connection with this stranger.
Penelope was a regular customer at the café, but Ramses had never truly noticed her, avoiding eye contact with strangers. Yet, on this fateful day, his eyes were opened. She was his soulmate, even though she didn't know it yet. However, Ramses felt an invisible barrier between them, an obstacle he couldn't overcome. He couldn't muster more than a few words with her, instead he began to keep other men away from her. He secretly followed Penelope, monitoring every step she took, ensuring that no unsuitable men approached her.

So, it became Ramses' daily routine to spend his time hiding - behind bushes, newspapers, or darkened windows. His goal is to steer and manipulate Penelope's life from a safe distance, ensuring she stayed away from potential suitors. Yet, despite these bizarre efforts, he couldn't bring himself to enter a relationship with this wonderful girl. Fear of the intensity of his own emotions and the vulnerability a true bond would entail kept him from seizing the happiness right in front of him. And so, he still remains in silence, his heart caught between longing and fear.


› Is a good dancer
› He is a connoisseur. For everything that brings him joy, he takes his time - drinking coffee, searching for the perfect photo opportunity, stalking Penelope...
› Age judged by his appearance: 26 years

About the species Gemdoll


› Gemdoll is a closed species by Withy!
› Every Gemdoll has three important traits: doll joints, at least one mist ring (around their chest) and a gem on their chest which is their heart.
› The color of a Gemdoll's gem, mist ring, and blood is always the same.
Age is just a number for Gemdolls. They're born as an adult and never grow old.
› Gemdolls don't have the need to eat or drink. They do it just for fun.
› There are different materials which a Gemdoll consists of. Ramses is made of plastic.


Ramses' Obsession

From Ramses' perspective, Penelope is the epitome of a perfect oll. Modest, humorous, intelligent, empathetic, innocent and beautiful. Merely asking her out on a date would taint her perfection. That's why Ramses pretends to be a superficial friend and admires her from a distance... or sometimes from a hidden branch.

Best Friend

Dilan is a great friend. She lives far away in Ramses' old home, the White Desert. Ramses visits her from time to time and has her predict his future. She's the only one he confided in about his intense feelings for Penelope. As Dilan herself has a slight obsession with a man, she understands and supports him.


Barista Colleague


Old Friend


Steady Customer

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