


1 year, 2 months ago


npc for cotv

- B A S I C  I N F O R M A T I O N -

Name: Sharpstone
Name Meaning:
    Sharp - for his elongated fangs and claws
    Stone - for their loyalty, reliability, and care for other cats' wellbeing
Past Name(s): Sharpkit, Sharppaw
Nickname(s): Sharpie
Age: 12 moons at time of death
Physical Gender: Male
Gender Identity: Demi-Boy (He/They)
Voice: n/a
Theme Song(s): Passing Through

- P E R S O N A L I T Y -

|  Loyal |  Responsible |  Helpful |  Optimistic |  Reserved |  Dense |  Nervous |  Nosy | 

Likes: Newleaf, playfighting, naps
Dislikes: Leafbare, bullies, birds
Fears: Accidentally hurting someone, bears

- H I S T O R Y -

Kithood (0 - 5 Moons)

  • Given to their fathers by StarClan alongside their sisters Owlkit and Dawnkit
  • Occasionally hurt other kits on accident because of their unretractable claws or elongated fangs
  • Fathers are quick to work together to help him figure out how not to hurt others, including teaching him basic first aid in case he does hurt someone
  • Knows about his cousin Silverpaw and his awesome uncle Rivergaze, but is saddened to see Finchcry sad at the news his sister Deermint is dead
  • However, they didn't really know her before she died, so it doesn't effect them as much.
  • A relatively normal kithood, once his fathers trained him not to use his claws on other kits.

Apprenticeship (6 - approx. 12 Moons)

  • Sharppaw was more than ecstatic (and a little nervous) to learn his mentor was Redfeather, the deputy!
  • A little dense in learning, she and him work together to find different methods of learning. He thrives under her leadership, and when she is busy, his newly named cousin Silversong takes him out and about!
  • Overall, Sharpie focuses on working hard to make Redfeather proud, as he feels he needs to be the best apprentice ever with her being the deputy.
  • When a murderer began attacking clan cats, they felt the need to jump right in and help with mostly mundane hunting and other duties, but when Redfeather offered to take them and Silversong on a patrol, Sharpie was not about to say no!
  • As they patroled, Sharppaw stumbled upon a prey pile beneath a bush, and as he went to inspect it, he was suddenly attacked and pinned down by a strong, but scrawny, rogue.
  • Thankfully, they survived the incident, but it made him a bit... worried? Redfeather and Silversong were quick to convince the rogue to get off, but it still worried him. He wondered if Redfeather would be disappointed at all...
  • To try and make sure that Redfeather wasn't upset, he worked really hard to try and graduate early! His assessment was going to be done by Redfeather herself, since she knew he sometimes had trouble understanding instructions... but she got called away on deputy business. The replacement assessor, a grumpy old warrior by the name of Skunkfang, was not kind about Sharppaw's struggle to understand, feeling no need to explain in detail what he needed to do, thus failing the apprentice.
  • Although he was mopey, Redfeather assured him that she wasn't upset! She was more than proud of their hard work, and she promised they would train more during the next upcoming moon.
  • Eventually, the assessment came, and Sharppaw was cleared to rank up!

Warriorhood (12 Moons/Death)

  • Before Sharppaw could gain his warrior name, he decided to run around the territory to release the pent up energy that had gathered in his body before being stuck in the camp for his vigil.
  • As he came upon the LynxClan border, he was surprised to see a silver tabby warrior named Hailbelly on the other side, a smile on her face. They talked-- and she did seem nice! Though she didn't seem super happy when he brought up that his cousin had a mate that used to be from LynxClan... huh. But then she asked for help getting a bone unstuck from underneath some rocks in the river, and Sharppaw-- eager to make a new friend-- readily agreed.
  • Before he knew it, the molly was attempting to drown him, and while he escaped once...
  • they weren't so lucky on her second attempt.

Post-Death (Current)

  • Sharppaw awoke to a gentle voice and a field of stars. The gentle voice belonged to their aunt, Deermint, who had wrapped herself around them as she waited for them to wake.
  • Gently, carefully, she explained what had happened. He was saddened by the news, but grateful that Flintstar had decided to give him him his warrior name, Sharpstone, at his death vigil, and he was also touched that his sister Dawnstone had taken the same suffix as the one given him.
  • Deermint was quick to show him the basics of Starclan, and Sharpstone was quick to head back to the world of the living, intent on watching over both his immediate family and his extended family.
  • They were saddened to see how devastated their family was now that he was gone. His uncle Rivergaze especially tore at his heart, wishing he could tell his uncle that he was right about Hailbelly killing him.
  • For a few moons he spent time around his fathers, doing his best to comfort them, as well as going along on his sisters' patrols. It made him feel... normal.
  • As the kidnappings began happening, and Featherpaw gave Pigeonheart a prophecy, Sharpstone wasn't sure how to feel. Why couldn't StarClan just tell the truth? As badly as he wanted to, he also didn't want to get in trouble. Not for the first time, he wished he could be down there helping his clan.
  • When Rivergaze was kidnapped on a patrol, both Sharpstone and Deermint rushed to his side, desperate to keep him company until he could be rescued...

- F U N  F A C T S  - 

  • Will still wear a hallow tiara (like he did in life) on occasion in StarClan.
  • Desperately wishes they could apologize to Redfeather for leaving them, for not being strong enough to escape the LynxClan warrior.

- C L A N  I N F O R M A T I O N -

Birth Clan: SnakeClan
Current Clan: StarClan
Rank: Warrior
Past Mentor: Redfeather

- R E L A T I O N S H I P S -

Parents: Batjaw and Finchcry 
Other Family: Rivergaze (uncle), Silversong (cousin), Pigeonheart (cousin-in-law)
Siblings: Dawnstone and Owlbrook
Cats they watch over: All of the above family