

Name:: Weiss

Gender:: Female

Species:: Mountain lion

Sexual orientation:: Straight

Likes:: Ice cream, sweets, baking, gardening, tea, soft/classical music, dressing up, tea parties, fencing

Dislikes:: Loud noises, spicy things/bitter flavours, being cold, the ocean, mozzies (Mosquitoes), most other bugs, spiders, debating/arguments

Personality:: Weiss is a sweetheart. She always has other's good intentions at heart. She loves being outside, loves the simple things in life. Weiss loves nothing more than a relaxing day in the sun with a few friends, some tea and some finger sandwiches. Weiss is a lady but she still enjoys getting down and dirty when gardening. Her biggest pride are her fruits/veggies and flowers that she grows. She is a down-to-earth, happy-go-lucky, sweetheart of a girl and she tends to get along with most, if not all other critters~ that being said, if you're rude to her, she won't be one to just take it. She'll tell you what's on her mind and leave ASAP.