Radioactive Blot



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Height (In Feet):

80 Feet

Height (In Meters):

24 Meters

Weight (In Pounds):

490 Pounds

Weight (In Kilograms):

222 Kilograms





The Radioactive Blot (RB for short) is an Epsilon Order Kaiju that despite its name isn’t entirely dangerous to be around. The radioactivity comes solely from its consumption of radioactive waste which it shifts into energy and uses when it attacks. RBs generally keep to themselves and don’t interact with humans often, however, interactions only tend to occur if a Radioactive Blot detects radioactivity in the area. Very driven and stubborn, Radioactive Blots are hard to deviate away from an area once they’ve got their goals in mind.


Being a hefty boy, Radioactive Blots have a stout body type with its limbs like a Komodo’s with a bit more of a wide shape. Sharp, curved claws help the Kaiju dig and break through the earth to get after their food. They’re also shovel-like making it capable to shovel dirt more quickly, their necks are also relatively fat. Being able to stretch their neck up to 8 yards, helps them to reach more easily although their limbs are packed with muscle to lift them. A long tail helps them defensively due to the armored plating, using it against other Kaiju. RBs also much like snakes can unhinge their jaws, with a mouth that makes most of their skull. Leaving them with two small eyes, feelers on the lower back jaw, and rounded horn protrusions to the top.


Reproduction of Radioactive Blots starts between Mid-May to Late August, attracting a mate by opening their mouths and letting off a beacon of light from their radioactive bile. Whoever has the brightest tends to get a mate due to showcasing that they’re capable of finding food. Birthing up to 4 offspring is where they tend to be more dangerous.


Radioactive Blots give birth roughly 28 days to live young, consuming primarily trees until they’re large enough to properly convert radioactive energy. They’re capable of around the age of 2, remaining with their mother until 5.


Fairly mild in personality and tend not to care for humans in their presence, they’ve very stubborn and determined Kaiju when it comes to food. Only becoming hostile when their young are in danger, using the bile as a charger for their blasting attack.


Radioactive Blot live in mountain ranges where it’s closer to the sun, absorbing UV Rays as another part of radiation which tends to help with converting energy. Digging out large holes within mountains as a place to live.