Cam (persona) (Killcam)



7 months, 2 days ago




" Smile, you're on camera. "

Full Name

Cameron Lemons








Cam, Crazy Fuck


September 6th


Indie filmmaker




Enter the anomalous world's last favorite movie "director". Operating under the moniker Killcam, this peculiar and elusive person spends its life using its awry fleshmancing abilities to make people explode into viscera... and turns them into films. Although the films themselves don't have any anomalous effects, Killcam himself is still quite prolific in the unfortunate business of these "magic movies", and many worry there's an ultimatum...

Killcam is one of two SCP self-inserts, the other one being Dr. Lemons. They're kinda the same person but not in a literal sense. Killcam mostly exists to worsen the narrative situation. He is also aware of being a self-insert but can't actively break the fourth wall.



  • Horror movies
  • Cats
  • Splatterpunk


  • Cold days
  • Bad media literacy
  • Mushrooms
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Killcam is contently laid back to an unnerving degree; nothing seems to sway him, not even the goriest scene you've ever seen, though you could argue it's some sort of disassociation. Any vulnerable emotions only come out in complete private., so most people only see a weird, passively happy, detached... thing. It likes being evil and making the biggest scenes possible, or at least tries to have fun doing it... after all, it knows it exists only to make things worse.
He's also really stuck-up about films and will be visibly upset if you disagree with him on certain opinions he has on horror movies. That being said, it LOVES talking about horror movies, but that would probably put you at risk of having all your blood spontaneously explode...


Not much to say here as of now. Killcam grew up infantilized and neglected in a broken family, and worked for Wondertainment in making toys in an attempt to be "normal". The company was shaken up when one of his higher-ups escaped to go out and try to cause as much harm as possible... and Killcam was the subject chosen to be forcibly made into a replacement. Unfortunately, it failed quite miserably, and the original's regeneration and self-fleshmancy was translated into only being able to mess with the flesh of other people.
Killcam himself ran away to start over, using his new anomaly to pursue what he really wanted to do: make gorey splatterpunk horror movies.
Now it lives in a van, travelling around whenever it feels like it, refusing to associate with any groups or organizations or even be "lumped in" with them. It does what it wants and that's that.



  • The red thing around Killcam's neck is a vinyl choker meant to look like blood.
  • Killcam prefers making films with a focus on slasher, body, and/or eldritch horror (think Hellraiser), and is extremely particular about having some sort of plot to go with it and justify the gore.
  • Most of its anomalous powers, when utilized, usually manifest as flesh moving/forming on its own or experiencing tremendous amounts of force.
  • Killcam is faintly aware of its counterpart, Dr. Lemons.
  • Its always carrying around some kind of camera- either a handheld camcorder or his 30-year-old shoulder-mounted cinecamera.
  • yeah no this guy is just cartoonishly evil for the hell of it
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Mx. Ant

Best (and Only) Friend

Yeah this is just my friend Ant's SCP  self-insert. Ant still works at Wondertainment but that doesn't stop  Killcam from hanging out with her (and platonically breaking into her  house to hang out). They're surprisingly ride-or-die.