
1 year, 2 months ago


Corvus Fair
Guarded . Brave . Silent

I owe Gaia a great debt. I am forever in the planet's service.

Corvus was once in Shinra's grasp, now he joins the journey to defeat Sephiroth.


  • Nature
  • AVALANCE and Co
  • Serene places

  • Shinra
  • Prof. Hojo
Design Notes

  • Extra set of arms. Raptor like. Used for steering.
  • Large feathered wings. Capable of flight
  • Tall, toned, and a bit chubby.

  • Large Stamina pool.
  • Fast healing and recovery.
  • Superhuman strength and agility.
Extra Abilites

  • Planet Communication.
  • Can use magic without matieria.
  • Able to fly for long distances.

Corvus was born to an Elvaan mother and a Cetra father back in 1985. His mother and father were killed and he was taken by Shinra at just a couple months old. Most of his childhood consisted of experimentation on him. Professor Hojo was unaware of Corvus's lineage for a long time. Corvus met Zack Fair in the year 1992, was given a name, and taught how to speak. They grew a close bond. In the year 0002 Zack sustained an almost fatal injury, and Corvus healed Zack Fair through supernatural means, causing more interest to rise from Prof. Hojo. In an attempt to figure out the origins of Corvus's abilities, both of Corvus's legs were removed. In the year 0003, Zack rescued Corvus from the lab and left Midgar, to keep Corvus safe. Corvus moves into the outskirts of the 5th district. A 2nd class SOLDIER was sent out to find Corvus, and they were successful. Corvus fought long and hard and was victorious. Although victorious, he managed to lose his eye in that battle. In the year 0003, Corvus met Aerith while he was fleeing some SOLDIERs. They became quick friends, but Corvus spent some time with her and Corvus began to open up to Aerith about what he went through, and why he went through it. Corvus eventually came to terms with that trauma. Aerith reveals to Corvus that she is a Cetra and that Corvus very likely is as well. Corvus was quite shocked at the fact, but everything fell into place and he realized that Aerith was right.


Corvus and Aerith's bond got stronger during this period. Sephiroth has started appearing to Corvus, telling him things and sometimes trying to persuade him to do things. Corvus believed it was his mind playing games with him, that is until the year 0009. Corvus started traveling with the group to fight Sephiroth, and when it came to that, Corvus was slain. Zack Fair had happened to witness this to his horror. His once mentor killed someone that was family to him. Corvus was stuck in the lifestream from 0009-0014, trapped by an illusion Sephiroth had created in order to prevent him from leaving. He fell in love with the illusionary Cloud, which transfered over when he came back. After he got injured doing something in this illusion, he realized there was no pain, which was obviously not right at all, and he also realized after taking his eyepatch off that both of his eyes were back, which also wasn't right. He ended up gouging his eye out, trying to see if he could feel any pain from it. He didn't, but the illusionary friends saw it and basically the illusion caved in on itself and became an absolute hell until he escaped, which took him a couple weeks. Or so he thought. In order to escape, he promised he would stop Sephiroth from destroying the entire planet, and Gaia, seeing Corvus's anguish, granted him a new body identical to his old one. Almost identical.


Corvus became more bird-like because the lifestream severly mutated his body, but the planet being so kind restored most of it, but couldnt return it back to what it was. His corpse absorbed the mako and thus started getting poisoned from it. It was disfigured, looking like a biblically accurate angel until Gaia fixed it. After Corvus left the lifestream, Sephiroth was waiting there for him. They fought for hours, and ended in a draw, but not without Corvus getting his arm sliced off. Sephiroth fled and Corvus was met by Aerith, who along with everyone else thought he was dead for five years. After seeing Aerith, he just started crying. After being taken back to the group, and seeing Zack Fair, he started crying again. He manages to catch the group up to speed. He spoke to Zack and Aerith later, explaining his newfound feelings to Cloud, who helped him accept his feelings. Everyone else, excluding Cloud, was told as well later, and said his feelings were valid. Barrett was a bit confused due to Cloud's personality, but he accepted it as well. After a couple of weeks, they left Midgar in search of Sephiroth, but not before Zack asked to be Corvus's father, and Corvus gladly accepted.


  • Corvus was born to an Elvaan mother and a Cetra father in 1985. Shinra took him in when he was just a few months old, and he was subjected to experimentation for most of his childhood. He met Zack Fair in 1992, and they developed a close bond. In 0002, Corvus healed Zack Fair through supernatural means, which piqued Professor Hojo's interest.
  • In 0003, Zack rescued Corvus from the lab and moved him to the outskirts of the 5th district. Corvus met Aerith in 0003, and they became friends. Corvus discovered that he is a Cetra, and his bond with Aerith grew stronger.
  • Sephiroth began appearing to Corvus, and in 2009, Corvus was killed by Sephiroth. Corvus was trapped in the lifestream from 0007-0012 and fell in love with an illusionary Cloud. He escaped the illusion after gouging his eye out and promising to stop Sephiroth from destroying the planet.
  • Corvus's corpse underwent severe mutations due to the lifestream, resulting in a disfigured body that resembled a biblical angel. However, Gaia fixed it and restored most of it. After a fight with Sephiroth, he lost his arm. Corvus was believed dead for five years until he was found by Aerith.
  • He confided about his feelings about Cloud, which were accepted by everyone except Barrett, who was confused. They left Midgar in search of Sephiroth, and Zack asked to be Corvus's father, which he accepted.
Zack Fair Adoptive father

During Corvus's time with Shinra, Zack cared for him like a son, and after Corvus's rebirth, he officially made it that and adopted him. They have a great relationship with Zack and won't hesitate to tell him about his own feelings or worries.

Aerith Gainsborough Best Friend

Corvus met Aerith a year or two after Zack helped him escape. He was being chased by SOLDIERS and Aerith defended him. Corvus was cautious at first, but grew close with Aerith. Corvus shared his past, and Aerith helped him somewhat come to terms with it. She also helped him discovers his Cetra roots.

Cloud Strife Love interest

Corvus and Cloud had never been super close, but found comfort in each other due to their similar experiances with Shinra. Corvus may have fell in love with the illusion Sephiroth created of Cloud, but it helped Corvus open up his eyes to the true person Cloud really is.

Tifa Lockhart Close Friend

Tifa supported Corvus throughout the time he came back, helping him learn what Cloud was like as a kid and what interests he had and still has. It helped Corvus learn more about Cloud, and Tifa and him became really close. Despite Tifa's feelings for Cloud, Tifa always put Corvus first.


They didn't get along at first, Barrett didn't trust Corvus due to his past, which took time for him to learn that Corvus wasn't going to hurt anyone except Shinra. After Corvus's rebirth, Corvus began to understand Barrett more, and they grew to become friends, despite how it started.

Red/Nanaki Friend

Red shared Corvus's past of being a lab rat, and it wasn't hard for the two of them to become friends. He understood what Corvus was going through, and had tried his best to support him along the way. He wasn't great at it, of course. But Red became another friend to Corvus.