


1 year, 2 months ago


Gender: Female
Flaws: Rarely sleep because of nightmares, Would bite her talons, Shes very touched starved so she would do anything for touch, Would sometimes walk into things without realizing it/doesn't know where she's at sometimes, Would go silent when she goes into thought so she wouldn't know if someone talks to her.
- Was raised in the nightwing kingdom, that was made in the unclaimed mountains in Pyrrhia.
- She grew up for the first part in the sandwing kingdom for a little bit. She dated a sandwing who wasn't the nicest to her. Leading her to be scarred and becoming blind but they stopped dating.
- Never knew who her parents were as they were killed during a war between the nightwings and Sandwings. But the war has ended.
- Her adopted family raised scavengers and made them into service pets. To help out other dragons, she was given one when she was 2 she grew up with named autumn.
- has a twin who is very scarred like her but he was attacked by an skywing
- Was treated differently for being a hybrid so she was kepted as a pet in the nightwing kingdom from the royals, Into the princess now queen released her and those two became close friends and she slowly became apart the royal court/be a personal guard of her now friend. Not caring shes blind or not.
- Has a crush on her closest friend brother who shes friends with, Hes a Nightwing silkwing hybrid just like her who's name is Aether.
- Would rarely sleep, Only sleep for about 4 to 5 hours because of nightmares, and would bite her talons out of pure stress she has.
- Autumn is her only thing that kepted her going and would do anything for.

440 points