
1 year, 5 months ago


Name; Bugs (Often called 'Buggers' as a nickname

Gender; Female

Pronouns; She/Her

Breed & Coat; Afghan Hound, Australian Shepherd mix, Blue merle coat.


Bugs was born on accident, and was not planned from a back yard breeder. Being her mom's first litter, understandably, Bugs was the only one who had ended up surviving. Her owners had originally planned to home her after she was weaned, but there kid ended up getting attached and threw a fit over it, making them keep Bugs. 

Being a mix of a herding dog and hunting dog, and also being a puppy, as you can imagine Bugs caused much chaos within the home. Her need to run wasn't being gifted to her by the owners, and this had caused her to begun to destroy things and such. She often got yelled at after tearing things up.

As months went by of this, soon enough her owners had gotten fed up. One day while there kid was asleep, they ended up taking Bugs into the car. And instead of rehoming her normally, or bringing to a shelter, they had ended up dumping her in a urban area, and then began to drive away without her. 

Bugs hadn't know what had happened, and spent a lot of her time just waiting. Sometimes she'd find scraps of human food, though they weren't filling. She saw people walking by daily, but they'd just either ignore her, or just pet her and then leave.

Though, soon enough, a car had stopped by the place where she was dumped. To Bugs surprise, when she tried to get the humans attention, it had actually worked, and the human was actually paying attention to her. After about a hour of waiting, the human had opened the back door of the car, and Bugs had jumped right in. 

While Bugs healed, the human had asked around for a solid three months about anyone's missing dog. After all that time had passed, nobody had come to claim Bugs as there own with proof. The human had decided to keep Bugs, and paid for all of her much needed vet bills. And now, Bugs lives in a house with a big backyard, and also a few other dogs! Though her owner hasn't given up searching, and likely never will, she was happy.