Shinji Williams



1 year, 5 months ago



The Mirror Devil


The body belongs to a young man that had fallen victim to the cruelties of the modeling world. The boy was taught to hate himself, his image, his porcelain skin was becoming blemished by stress. The job requests grew stagnant, forcing him into debt until he couldn’t take it anymore. Whilst locking himself in his bathroom, he took his life, staring directly at the reflection with a deep hatred. This hatred and the close location of a mirror summoned the Mirror Devil. With his dying breath, the boy did not want to live but agreed for the devil to take over his body after his passing. The Mirror Devil merged with the boy, turning his blonde hair a platinum white and, taking on another name: Shinji.

Shinji has a very fair complexion with an almost opaque shine to it. He has platinum white hair and eyes. His build is slim and lanky, a wispy and elegant appearance. His physique is often mistaken for someone sickly despite being quite strong and powerful. He’s a devil but gives off an angelic aura, often surrounded by a faint mist that obscures others’ vision.

His devil form takes on his usual appearance with white hair and pale skin except his arms and legs are elongated to freakishly pole-like supports. His fingers are longer and end at a point, having the consistency of bone. Embedded in his chest is a large oval mirror that can be used to suck people into the Mirror Realm. He gains two sets of white wings that he can use to fly. His eyes are glazed over with a reflective sheen similar to the surface of a mirror.

Practical and patient, he is often viewed as soft spoken and gentle despite being a devil. He’s actually quite harsh in tone and he does not understand the weight of their words sometimes. He is known to copy others when it comes to mannerisms and personality, like a mirror. This adaptability allows him to blend in with crowds and the general population, keeping his identity as a fiend a secret. He gets bored easily and prefers to be alone but also enjoys people-watching.

Google Doc
Casual Outfit


Name Shinji Williams
Title The Mirror Devil
Age Unknown
Species Human/Devil
Pronouns He / They
Origin Hell
Height 5'11"
Build Slim
Hair White
Eyes White
Race Fiend
Sexuality None
Fandom Chainsaw Man
Occupation None



  • ✦ [Mirror Traveling] : Shinji can enter mirrors and travel through them, hopping from location to location. He cannot teleport to the location if there is not a mirror or the mirror is covered.
  • ✦ [Reflection] Appearance : Shinji can take on the appearance of whoever is in front of him, mimicking them down to the most specific detail though he does not take on the physical power of said person.
  • ✦ [Reflection] Power : This takes more concentration and requires devil blood to use. Shinji can mimic the powers of another devil, though this drains his energy and he’s more prone to collapsing.

Origin Form

  • This allows Shinji to transform into his original devil form for a short period of time. During this form he is immune to most physical attacks. This form lasts about 10 minutes but has been seen to last up to 30 minutes
  • ✦ Enhanced Sight
  • ✦ Summon ghostly reflections of target
  • ✦ Can bring someone else into the Mirror Realm
  • ✦ Can create mirrors in any location, allowing him to travel there even if there wasn’t one previously
  • ✦ Can physically attack someone’s reflection within the mirror, affecting the physical body


  • ✦ [Adapt] : He can easily adapt socially and can reflect the thoughts and ideals of those around him in his own mannerisms.
  • ✦ [Memories] : The body he took over still has previous memories before their conjoining, which Shinji sometimes likes to watch them while in the Mirror Realm.
  • ✦ [Strength] : Inhuman strength and agility gained from the merging of a devil.


  • ✦ [Shattering] : He can easily adapt socially and can reflect the thoughts and ideals of those around him in his own mannerisms.
  • ✦ [Shattering] Reflection : If a mirror is shattered near Shinji or in front of him, he becomes weakened for a short period of time, stunning him.