
1 year, 2 months ago


A splash of fruit

[ name ] Fritz Loope
[ pronouns ] He / Him
[ age ] 15
[ birthday ] February 15th
[ voice claim ] Antony del Rio
[ year ] 1st
[ club ] Art
[ mbti ] ENTP

[ courage ]
[ intellect ]
[ empathy ]
[ temper ]
[ charisma ]
[ humor ]

A loud boy with a proud artistic streak. He seems to be responsible for the rather...creative murals found around school. Desires to become a master of all artistic mediums after graduation.

Fritz grew up in a family that was largely made up by women. As a result, he was often coddled by his family members, and to a degree, he still is. He always had a habit of drawing on the walls, so his parents decided to direct him towards perusing art. Disorder seems to follow him wherever he goes. However, he prefers to live life this way, saying that it's much more fun when things come together as he goes along.

He never really stays in the same place for too long-- he's physically and mentally all over the place. But he does have his oddly profound moments.

Loud and unapologetically devoted to his craft, Fritz is often described as eccentric. As a child, his peers found him downright strange. It led to him being ostracized a fair bit, but he didn't let that deter him. He gravitated towards another outcast in his class, a boy named Lukas, claiming that they had a lot in common in terms of their 'weirdness'. The two have been inseparable ever since.

When not in the art room, he's typically hanging around Lukas.


  • Fuzzy socks
  • Sculpting
  • Painting
  • Checkers

  • Sitcoms
  • Sauerkraut
  • Household chores

  • He has a Russian Blue named Raphael. Unfortunately, the cat's white, and Fritz's hands are always covered in paint or clay...
  • He secretly loves bad horror movies.
  • He has two moms!

Best friend