Lewis Gunn



1 year, 5 months ago



The Sound Devil


Born in Tokyo, Japan, to an American couple, Lewis Gunn always felt out of place among his peers. Not only were his parents immigrants, but his father was also part of the military and traveled alot, often bringing back small souvenirs. Lewis' school days went by without any issues and he eventually joined the military, specializing in intelligence gathering.

Before joining the military, Lewis had no previous experiences with devils. His fellow officers told stories of how devils ruined their lives and how they joined the military because there was no other place to go. They also remarked it was easier fighting other humans than it was to fight a single devil. Lewis took none of this into consideration nor did he care enough. That was until a low level devil attacked his squad, slaughtering many of his friends and the surrounding camp. It was then that he realized how destructive devils really were. After that tragedy, he was honorably discharged from the military. Wanting to learn more about devils, he joined the Devil Hunter HQ in Tokyo and eventually founded the recon/intelligence division.

He’s hardworking and tends to be more focused on his job as a recon agent, taking it very seriously. This makes him a very efficient worker and climbed the ranks quickly, despite his aversion to talking and communicating with others. He finds making connections laborious and does not make small talk unless it’s part of his mission or job. He's a generally introverted agent and very obeservant. His face is rarely seen by the public, as he tends to stay back away from the actual capturing and killing of devils, though this does not deter him from occasionally fighting when the heads of HQ need him to.

As most agents in the devil hunting business, Gunn was required to form some sort of contract with a devil. During one of his recon missions, he attracted the attention of the Sound Devil; a devil that had been confined to earth until the next rebirth cycle. Unlike most devils, it prefers to be alone and is quite passive towards humans. It's usually seen drifting about deep in forests/marshes and near abandoned buildings. Gunn ended up forming a contract with the Sound Devil, agreeing to give his left ear in exchange to use some of the devil's powers and abilities.

He has a light skin tone with emerald green eyes and unnaturally grey hair despite his young age. His hair is short and fluffy, taking on the appearance of the bedhead style. He’s missing his left ear due to his contract with the Sound Devil, all that remains is a patch of dried blood that does not disappear. Lewis likes to wear things over his mouth, most of the time scarves or black surgical masks. His usual outfit, as well as devil hunting attire, consists of a black turtleneck, a white shawl-like cloak, gray combat pants, and black sneakers.

Google Doc
Casual Outfit
Work Outfit


Name Lewis Gunn
Contract The Sound Devil
Age 27
Species Human
Pronouns He / him
Origin Tokyo
Height 5'8"
Build Athletic
Hair Gray
Eyes Green
Affiliation Tokyo Devil Hunter HQ
Sexuality Heterosexual
Fandom Chainsaw Man
Occupation Devil Hunter, Recon Divsion


  • ✦ [Shattering Shout] : The ability to turn any regular word into a sonic boom able to shatter glass and other materials. The destruction depends on the Sound Devil’s mood, though at a minimum it creates shockwaves and breaks glass. Activation : Gunn needs to cup both hands around his mouth and shout.
  • ✦ [Enhanced Hearing] Passive : Due to the connection of devil and human, Gunn also gains an enhanced sense of hearing and is able to isolate one certain sound and identify where it’s coming from.


  • ✦ [Hacking] : Gunn is able to hack basic systems in order to obtain information. He often uses this in the field for unlocking doors, disabling security, and collecting data.
  • ✦ [Internal Compass] : He’s able to give accurate coordinates and can always tell where every direction is as well as being able to read any type of map.
  • ✦ [Basic Combat Training]


  • ✦ [Sensory Overload] : Sometimes his enhanced hearing backfires and he’s unable to differentiate between sounds, this ends up being an overload to his senses and forces him to either use noise canceling headphones or move to a quieter spot in order to calm down.
  • ✦ [Social Skills] : He lacks properly expressing himself and his opinions, making him prone to being taken advantage of.