Daniel Simmons



6 years, 18 days ago


  • Contents

    1. Summary
    2. Personality
    3. Role in the Story
    4. History
    5. Hobbies and Interests
    6. Relationships
    7. Species hints
  • Summary

    NameDaniel Simmons, Dan Bee Lino
    AGE/Height/weight24 (July 28)/173 cm/67  kg
    Alignment/ROLELawful neutral/Club DJ
    Worth6950 pts, 2 self, 0 trade, 2 gifts

    "I'm pretty tired..."

  • Personality

    Strength: Kindness and willpower, he tried to conquer his weaknesses
    Weaknesses: Allergy on bee's bites
    He's kind person, started to earn money early to be independent from parents.
  • Role in the Story

  • History

  • Hobbies and Interests

     : Techno-music, astronomia, sweet things, patterns with stripes, to cook cacao, cookery, watching stars
     : To swim
  • Relationships

    Taylor McCoy


    Abigail McCoy


    Cassidy McCoy

    I was able to take her from home, 'cause I have my own apartment and well-paid job, and I did it immidiately: our parents started to treat her strangely. I took care about her and supported her in all of her beginnings, until she passed away...                             

    Akino Cross



    Dan helped him to survive, and when he slightly recovered, Dan created mechanical limbs to their new friend to help him live normally again.                             

  • Species hints

    What IS a Xynthii?
    A Xynthii is a type of a humanoid monster. They do not have faces, however; they do have a "mouth". The mouth is more of like an angler fish's jaws, and has no lips- the "mouth" is all teeth. These teeth act more like an eyelid-- as inside the "mouth " / teeth is their only eye. A Xynthii's pupil is actually a black hole, and most Xynthii have the "whites" of their eyeballs colored- ex. instead of white, it would be black, green, or any other color. It is mostly common for black sclera, and white sclera are rare. They eat through mouth on both of their hands / palms. They talk like how a ventriliquist would, more or less.
     What physical traits does a Xynthii have?
    Besides the huge teeth / eyeball inside the teeth, and mouth-hands mentioned above, their teeth are harder than diamonds. The teeth may look like normal "sharp fang-like" teeth, or some may have more crystal looking teeth. They also usually ALWAYS have an unnatural skin color. they may have dark brown, or "normal" skin color(s), but it is rare / very rare. Xynthii also have pointed / rounded feet- that only have 3 toes! Their feet resemble that of a when a human is on their tip toes, except Xynthii's do not have heels.
     What special powers do Xynthii have?
    Besides their black hole eye, and their teeth, Xynthii have a lot of psychic prowess, ontop of being very fast and agile, despite their large frame / build. They also hover, and never touch the floor, due to their psychic power-ed nature.
    A Xynthii's psychic abilites range from Xynthii to Xynthii- Some may be more skill in it, while others only the bare minimum of floating- but all Xynthii have the minumim psychic power to levitate themselves, and do it subconsicously.
    Xynthii also have a special fast-acting saliva in their mouth-tongues that allow a fast consumption of foods.
    Xynthii have an unnaturally strong ability to read the emotions of others extremely well.
    Xynthii have a very high intellect, and learn new things and concepts extremely fast and are able to retain that information for a very long time. (it's not really a power, just something to mention)
    What can Xynthii eat?
    Xynthii's have become accustom to the new vegetation that grows on their new planet, Xygoroth. So now, their main source of nutrition is the bugs / plants / various other animals on Xygoroth.
    Where do Xynthii live?
    Xygoroth (pronounced, "Zy-go-roth")
    Xygoroth's climate flucuates daily, from freezing cold tundra, to dry, hot, desert in minutes. A large reason why Xynthii's teeth are so hard, is to protect their eyes from the debri and other sudden climate changes.
    Xygoroth is still located in a deep part of the Rhyonia galaxy, known as the "black zone" due to the spacial matter around it being pitch black and extremely hard to navigate.
    What can Xynthii wear?
    Xynthii's can wear pretty much any humanoid clothing! Even though their feet are not like ours, some Xynthii go out of their way to stuff human shoes so they can wear them! Just like if a human pick outs a size too big shoes, they can stuff it with paper or tissue to fill in the gap!
    Xynthii used to have special clothes, but over the years and generations, they became obsessed with human fashion- so more often than not, they were what normal humans would wear.
    Are Xynthii active during the day or night?
    This largely depends on the Xynthii. Some prefer the day time, others the night-- there's really no set time frame when they're most active.
    How big are Xynthii's?
    Xynthii's are typically very large! They are mostly 6' or more! It's very rare / uncommon for them to be any shorter. The fact that Xynthii's are so large, is a very big part of the reason why the ryones adapted their size change ability!
    Can Xynthii be in relationships? (romantic or non-romantic)
    Yep! Xynthii LOVE attention-- from their S/O or even just friends! They strive to be the best of the best / show off and get as much attention from others as possible~ even if the attention is good or bad.
    How do Xynthii reproduce/ Can they reproduce?
    Xynthii at this time can only reproduce / have children with other Xynthii. It is unknown exactly how they reproduce, but they can!
    Do Xynthii have genders?
    Xynthii more or less have specified genders. Xynthii typically -choose- their gender, and can switch genders at will!