


1 year, 2 months ago


Lilitu is the oldest in his family, having the appearance similar to that of how people describe holy beings. But he is nowhere of a holy being, if anything he misdirects, manipulates. He’s started wars and dramas through his travels, all in which lead to bad results. But as he travels to this kingdom, he’s caught an eye for someone. Asim. Yeah that’s right, this mf caught feelings for someone lower than him. He’s tried to rizz up Asim before but that’s failed, so he just observes in the far end, most of his actions. No matter where Asim goes, he follows and he just can’t seem to get his direction away from the man who turned him down once.

He can adjust his height but his natural one to deceive others is about 12’11ft (what has his parents been feeding him 😨)

He does have a sister named Alecia, though she’s younger she’s more mature acting than her older brother, always trying to tell him to stop what he does, and he just doesn’t listen. (Picture of her soon, gotta draw her.)

Also not a lot of pictures of lilitu, but I’ll get more once I’ve drawn him more. :3