Felicitygarden 🌸



1 year, 1 month ago


Felicitygarden - ENTJ-A

  • A religiously obsessed prick with a bloated ego. He was spoiled from birth, albeit under two equally narcissistic parents, and has attained a lot of their arrogant and boastful traits.
  • Inherited a long-running condition consisting of fragile skin and a slow clotting deficiency. Due to harsh training started from a young age, his joints have become awfully strained and majorly affected as a result. Felicitygarden doesn't really walk anymore, he's always moving in a constant skip or trot to keep his feet off the ground. Prolonged pressure, even from just standing in one place for too long, causes him pain.
  •  Stuck-up Barbie boy believing that his awful treatment of others is justified by the stars. 
  • Likes to play the part of an innocent and sheepish follower who just loves his god.
  • A two-faced little cat who's always willing to cry wolf at the slightest hint of trouble or defiance from his peers.
  • At his lowest moment in life, isolated and on the verge of dying, he desperately reached out to StarClan. He likes to believe they answered him and made him their vessel, due in part to his miraculous survival. 
  • Accepts nothing short of perfection. He's practically obsessed with it, especially when it's anything revolving around his religion. 
  • Disgusted by any form of sin, even a lie, despite him lying all the time to get his way. Felicitygarden has grown to want to shape the clan into a perfect mold of its current self, but his words, manipulative and sweet as they are, will not change everyone.
  • Has taken an interest in the workings of the brain and feels that the tampering of it will lead to his clan's "perfection." 
  • Known as one of the best hunters in his clan, and possibly one of the only reasons he's largely tolerated. However, he was banned from going on hunting patrols after multiple instances of sabotaging any cat who neared his own number of catches.
  • Harbors deep aspirations for becoming a nursery tom or a florist. Revealing these desires to his elitist father resulted in his extreme isolation and blundering, and so he never followed those lovely dreams. He still visits the nursery often and is surprisingly calm around the little ones. That's not to say he wouldn't take the opportunity to feed them the twisted teachings he himself was brought up on.
  • Prone to nose bleeds during extremely high levels of stress, physical pressure, or anger.
  • Despite all the trash he talks, Felicitygarden has no battle prowess unless it's quick strikes of self-defense. Ever since he went missing, he completely freezes up underneath any attackers, as if he's not even mentally there anymore. 
  • Denies being zesty. No one believes him.Â