Amai Momoko



6 years, 1 month ago


In the original story that I need to rewrite BADLY if I ever want to unleash it on the humankind again, Momo, along with her older sister, are earthlings the main group runs into while wandering aimlessly after getting stuck on Earth. Upon learning they're homeless Momoko persuaded Sakura to take them in. 

Near the end of the first story she somehow was turned into a fairy of emotions when Anya's magic went haywire and hit her even though I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be possible. 

The colorfulness of her fairy outfit is meant to represent the wide variety of emotions.

Momoko made her magic wand 'cause she thinks a fairy must have one. It's a toy that doesn't do anything, but Momoko learned to channel her own magic through it making it seem like the real deal.

Somebody once told me she reminded them of Roll from Mega Man. Weird, considering she was inspired by Kalinka.