


6 years, 2 months ago



Corra is the future version of Fi, when she has become possessed by Person X and he has taken over her mind almost completely. Fi changed her name and looks to Corra and lives an entirely different life. Corra has her own city where she gathers as many Ra-aR (fluffy creatures) to keep them safe from the “dangerous humans”. She wants to destroy humans because they are bad to her creatures and this is the influence of Person X taking her over. She lives in a huge castle in the middle of her city. Even though she dislikes humans and wants to destroy them, she can be a very sweet and caring person towards the Ra-aR. She cares a lot for those who are the weaker ones in society and will try to prevent others from taking advantage of them. Her main mission (or Person X’s main mission with her) is to find and destroy all the deities of old.


Her hair and eyes have been magically dyed by Binam-Ba to be red of color. Her hair won’t grow out that way. She’s of average height for a girl and quite muscular. She trains a lot to keep her body fit and grow stronger. She usually paints her face a tad bit whiter than her actual skin tone, which sometimes causes her to look rather sick. The markings under her eyes are make-up and she only wears them when she goes outside of her city, kind of like people wear war paint.

On people she meets, she usually makes an unpleasant first impression. When she goes outside of her city she puts on an appearance of being brutal and merciless. Towards the Ra-aR on the other hand, she will appear very caring. She’d stop or go out of her way to greet them and ask them how their day is going.


    • Roses
    • Ra-aR (the fluffy creatures among my oc's)
    • Sleeping late
    • People being intimidated by her
    • Swimming
    • Watching over her city from above


    • Humans (sees them as a threat to her Ra-aR)
    • People looking down on her (is extremely sensitive to this)
    • Wearing socks
    • Being offered help (even with the best intentions)

Asexual demiromantic
Castle in Iskana
Personality type
Hogwarts house


  • The marks on her face are make-up. Sometimes she forgets to wear them.
  • She paints her face extra pale
  • Her eyes and hair got a permanent red dye (done by Binam-Ba)

What’s Inside Their Bag?

  • The Golden Chalice of Endless Wishes
  • The Eyeball of Persoon X (can guide her to whatever she wants to find)
  • A knife
  • A picture of her (when she still was Fi) and Grim together
  • The Book of Undead
  • The Book of the Other World
  • Some boom flowers


Fiora ran into trouble with Person X and sold her soul to him, which is how she came to be Corra. He's slowly taking over her mind, pushing false feelings into her and feeding her with a strong need for proving herself and taking revenge on the world for treating her badly. Now that he's succeeded in changing her, she has built her own city of Ra-aR to keep them safe from humans, because she believes humans will harm them and try to change them into something bad. She has succeeded in making the Ra-aR in her city believe in her cause and they very strongly support her (they see her as the reincarnation of Kurupae). 

She has a lot of trouble trusting humans, but she does allow Dood in her city. At first she doesn't at all like him and sees him as a threat, but over time they get to know each other better, until she starts to have feelings for him. She kind of forgets about her evil plans that Person X put inside her head and instead just wants this relationship to work out and be happy with Dood. She more or less finds her true values again and in the end, even succeeds to be freed from Person X's control (he could maintain control over her as long as she was feeling bad emotions, so he could feed on them and make them stronger).


Because she wants to forget about her past, she wants to forget about her family too. She did, however, capture them ans lock them up in a house so that they won't accidentally get hurt during one of her attacks against humans. She does care for them, but can't face them.

For a more detailed description on her family, see Fiora


Dood - Enemy -> friend -> lover

At first, she doesn't like him at all. He comes to offer her his help, and Corra believes he's just another man believing she can't do it on her own, who's looking down on her. When she learns that he isn't after her for romantic reasons, and does believe in her capabilities, she starts to like him. She kind of looks up to him, because he doesn't seem to feel a thing and can do anything without caring. She wants to be like him. Over time, she starts to develop more feelings for him, eventually being in love. She tries her best to convince him to love her back, which doesn't work. She cares a lot for him and worries about his health. She would do anything within her limits to help him feel better.

Person X - One who took her soul

The one who took her soul and made her change so drastically. He slowly takes more and more control over her. Though she doesn’t always realise this is happening, the moments she does, she feels a strong hatred towards him. Most of the time his hold is too strong and she feels indifferent, hardly knowing of his existence.

Lemis-Lu - Most trusted friend

Her most trusted Ra-aR. She loves this creature very much and can't imagine her life without it. It's helped her from the very beginning to build up her empire and she knows it will always be loyal towards her, no matter what. If there's one Ra-aR she'll protect to the end, it would be Lemis-Lu.

Fi - Past self

The one she used to be before going mad. She decided to leave this life behind and become someone completely different.

Binam-Ba - Friend

Binam-Ba is another one of her favorite Ra-aR. She loves its creativity and her success greatly depends on the things it makes. It was also Binam-Ba who helped her with her identity change, changing her hair and eye colour. She's very grateful to this creature.


Other characters X is acquainted with, but doesn't have a very strong relationship with.



The Alternate Universe is a set of worlds in a roleplay with Cuddens. Grim and Maiko travel through different worlds and meet many characters along the way. From time to time, worlds end and they start over in a new one. Only the two main characters keep their memories from the previous worlds, but the characters around them don't, which makes it an all new experience with every world. 

Corra is one of the side characters who gets an entirely new life and role in each world.

In most worlds, Corra is just an unimportant side character. She has a bit of a mysterious vibe, popping up here and there but never staying for long.

She has yet to find her big and significant role.




Soooooon (maybe)

Artist Notes


  • When drawing her in her romantic relationship with Dood, please keep in mind they have an asexual relationship!
  • The markings under her eyes are make-up and optional to draw or not
  • You can also draw her as a combination of Fi and Corra, seeing as they're the same person
  • You can draw any outfit shown in her gallery or make up a new one you think fits her
  • It would be totally awesome to see her drawn with any characters listed in her relationships (AU included!!) >w<
  • You can draw her in either a fantasy setting or a modern setting as well as any setting listed in the AU tab
  • Feel free to draw creepy stuff for her
  • Please no NSFW or sexual themes!
  • No genderbending/speciesbending or anything like that!
  • Don't draw her with any characters not listed in her relationships!

profile html by Hukiolukio, togedemaru & edited by myself