


1 year, 28 days ago


"Hell if I know!"


  • Name Pyrean
  • Sex Female
  • Pronouns She/Her/Hers
  • Age Adult (exact unknown)
  • Voice Annapantsu
  • Theme Unknown



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam. Etiam eu neque pellentesque, consectetur nunc sit amet, tincidunt ligula. In aliquet pretium consectetur. Donec eget aliquet massa, ut accumsan libero. Quisque viverra nisi eu nisl fermentum, eget dapibus elit tristique. Mauris et pellentesque risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ultrices sem in nulla euismod dignissim. Integer ornare urna felis.


"Sorry, I wasn't listening, what did you say?"

+: Thoughtful | Quick-Learner | Clean

-: Snarky | Mouthy (bites and nibbles… a lot) | Reactive

Pyrean is dangerously clever; figuring out how to open doors and child-proof feed bins, knowing color coordination and picture memorization, but she's also stubborn and extremely opinionated. Despite her skills, she will likely refuse to do most of them when commanded to. When she disagrees she makes sure to say so; blowing and biting. The only individual who hasn't been bitten (hard) is her handler Tatiana, but even Tia will get a snort when Pyrean doesn't feel like listening.


"I suppose it is to my liking."

  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


"I abhor such things."

  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


"Come and play with me!"

  • Puzzles
  • Unknown
  • Unknown



"You want to know how it all started? Then listen closely."

Her mother's breeder found her in the field, left behind a bit too close to the cattle for comfort. It was clear she didn't have the instincts to be a mother, which took her off the stud lists permanently. Pyrean was brought into the house as a bottle baby. She relied on human help a majority of her young life, but couldn't stay in the house forever and was left outside to learn by herself. She found company in the domesticated Magna (or buses in human tongue) and made herself at home between the herd. None of them were bothered by her, adopting the funny looking calf into the group. She didnt harm them either (only hurt one accidentally while they were roughing around) and so she never was separated from the herd until she reached maturity and sent to market.

Life On The Market

"I suppose that was when things changed."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam. Etiam eu neque pellentesque, consectetur nunc sit amet, tincidunt ligula. In aliquet pretium consectetur. Donec eget aliquet massa, ut accumsan libero. Quisque viverra nisi eu nisl fermentum, eget dapibus elit tristique. Mauris et pellentesque risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ultrices sem in nulla euismod dignissim. Integer ornare urna felis.

Home, for good

"And so here we are."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam. Etiam eu neque pellentesque, consectetur nunc sit amet, tincidunt ligula. In aliquet pretium consectetur. Donec eget aliquet massa, ut accumsan libero. Quisque viverra nisi eu nisl fermentum, eget dapibus elit tristique. Mauris et pellentesque risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ultrices sem in nulla euismod dignissim. Integer ornare urna felis.

Stats & Abilities


-She has a sensitive stomach, needing a specialized diet to keep her from getting bloated and colicking. Even with her irritable tummy her favorite treat is pumpkin pie filling– she probably shouldn't have it, but it hasn't hurt her yet.

- The pinstriping on her hood is not a tattoo or a marking but rather results of a design clipped into her coat. Yes, she has fur! It is short but its there!

- Often during bad storms, Tatiana will put instrumental music on in the barn to help Pyrean relax. It definitely does the trick, and she ends up sleeping through the chaos.

- While she only has one offspring officialized on this profile, she's been a mother to five "recorded" litters in her (in-world) database, including Ziri's two brothers and three sisters.

- Olympia often finds her outside quietly harmonizing with the birds and wildlife. Don't let her know you're there though, she will very quickly stop and hide.

"A stellar example of both species and Lucid standards..."

Toxic Breath

A strong mixture of chemicals resembling tear gas, it can cause temporary blindness, disorientation and skin irritation. An extra pouch in her throat stores all the necessary material and can be ignited by carbon dioxide. (i.e breathing out air from her lungs) She uses this sparingly as it only works once and until replenishing, significantly less potent.


Only provided to those who've earned her trust. In order to even begin to speak full sentences, it takes a large amount of focus between both parties so often she will say very little if she has to say anything at all. All of the species has this ability, formed to connect with the Mother, or Uferah, their home planet. Humans have to be very special for this bond to be linked.


Another feature that comes with her species as a whole, just beneath the skin is a set of unique luminescent markings only visible at night. It can be triggered to brighten and confuse threats, appear more intimidating or attract mates depending on the pattern. It is also a communication tool between vehicles, appearing to use a form of morse code. Gibberish to human standards, as they have their own language entirely that humans cannot even begin to decipher.



"Grab me like you own me."

[placeholder image]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam.


"You're not alone, I'm by your side."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam.


"For one so small, you seem so strong."

[placeholder image]

Also called "Ziri," she is one of six between Olympia and Pyrean, and the only one Tia chose to keep. Her start was rough, but she wasnt ready to go yet and startled everyone with a very loud complaint about being woken up from her 8 month nap. Now she is as stubborn as ever and will cause as much trouble as both of her parents combined.