Alexia Cataria



1 year, 2 months ago


Name: Alexia Cataria

Nicknames/Aliases: Alex, "Fangirl"

Species: Human

Age: 18

Birthday: August 8th

Gender: Female

Height: 152cm

Current Residence: Glanz City, Almany, Eurish

Favorite Food: Grilled Fish

Voice: Ai Maeda

Affiliations: Cherry Blossom Hunters

Likes: Drawing, writing Fan Fiction, "Warrior Chao" books

Dislikes: Conflict, rival ships


Cheerful, optimistic and innocent, its hard to keep her down for long. She's willing to make friends with anyone no matter who they are, and hopes one day the entire world can live together in peace and harmony. She loves to socialize, particularly in online communities, and also watching TV and movies. She particularly likes romance flicks, and is very much into making art and writing fanfiction of things she likes, especially involving romantic escapades between men. Consequently, she tends to get all giddy when any of her male colleagues share moments of affection.

Abilities and Powers

Alex's standout abilities are her agility, being very nimble and quick on her feet, and her sneakiness, able to move delicately without making a sound. She's not very physically durable, however.


She has a pair of special gloves, the "Cat's Nails", that have very sharp and long claws on them, which are used to slash through enemies very effectively


Not much is known about Alex's backstory as of now. At some point, she met Zanleif and joined the Cherry Blossom Hunters.


•Alex's surname, Cataria, comes from the genus of catnip

•She is visually based on Sara from the Sonic the Hedgehog OVA