


1 year, 2 months ago


About da boi

  •  Name  Thomas 
  •  Nickname  Thom,Thommy 
  •  Age  70 Øgler years, 35 human 
  •  Gender  Male 
  •  Pronouns  He/Him 
  •  PERSONALITY  Grumpy 
  •  Sexuality  Bisexual 
  •  Species  Øglervann
  •  Occupation  cop
  •  NationalityLondon 

Hi yes welcome to Thoms page! Here we may learn about him. Firts of all, I might wanna note that he has two versions, one of a modern setting and another of the Renaissance, more about those later.

In basics he is someone who does not show much about himself, he hides his emotions most of the time, pretty well, so unless you go nicely in knowing him, he will hide himself. His ways of controling emotions are pretty usefull for his job, to keep himsefl allways ready


  • Calm relaxing music
  • Meat and insects
  • Being alone sometimes
  • Romantic adventures
  • Reading 


  • His job
  • Kris
  • Oasis telling him to not smoke
  • Annoying people
  • Hights and claustrophobic spaces


  • Playing the piano
  • Writhing
  • Playing the violin
  • Running arround
  • Smoking


  • He is a good listener
  • Fast and strong fisicaly
  • Has some carisma
  • Wants to protect others
  • Allways wanting to see the best of others


  • Not that Empathetic
  • Not that emotional
  • Doesn't have much planned
  • Smoking addiction
  • Has problems reading emotions
  • Over protective sometimes


  • Good at reading music
  • High attention
  • Writhing skills
  • Strong and athletic
  • Strong emotional valance


  •  Hair  Black, short
  •  Eyes  Cian blues
  •  Skin  Dark Blue
  •  Marks  Cian lines
  •  Height  210 cm
  •  Weight  83,7
  •  Body  Small belly
  •  Clothing    Light and confy

His body anatomy has a lot of relacion to his species. Usualy he has a bit of a belly, and yet he is pretty strong and fast, thanks to his legs and man power. Being a reptile gives more since he can eat a meal and no need to eat more for a week, tho that does not stop him from having some snacks arround the week still. His tail is the most fat part of his body, same with the fins on his tail, expecialy the starting ones since they are for elegance and atracction. 

Another big part is his legs and arms, those being the strongest parts of his body, behind the neck and tail. In his species, punching is an actual hunting strategy, having spikes on their nuckles to give hard punches that give actual big dammage to enemies and prey. Øglers hands have six fingers, five on a main hand and another finger, more claw like, bellow the wrist. 

Backstory Modern setting

His childhood was simple, yet he had a hard time fitting in. His problems undestanding emotion and expresing it was mosly the thing that made a lot of people go away from him, wich really just afected him more mentaly. His love of music and the help of friends such as Oasis, Martha and more gave him more knowlege on how to interact with people. Tho, his cold outside gave him an oportunity to be accepted for military training and then get to a local police force once he got into Øgler adulthood.

His life at work and even the military training was. ofcourse, a harsh environment. His cold outside got worse on the surfface, getting more serious and not caring about danger that much. A dumb sence of no fear, not usefull for many in normal lifes, useful for someone ready to risk his life for others safery. Once he got back, Oasis was scared that their progress was destroyed, but surprisingly, he still keep the same calm collected Thom, showing emotion when he can, wich as allways was apreciated.

His experience in the military and being showned to not be afraid of danger got him in trouble a lot of times, even getting injured and ofcourse Patry taking care of him with her medical knowlege, alltho she wanted to let him take care of himself, since he shows a lot of interest in that and started to know how to treat his onw injuries, if not that big to need a doctor. By time he got interested in knowing more of Patry, and there for she wanted to know him more. By time the two grown closer together, helping eachother in tips of self defence and self caring.

Patry and Thom got a slow but nice feeling grown in love, mosly being so slow and respectfull by the fact Pat was on a toxic relashion ship before, and not only Thom helped, but many others. Her optimism and help got her to open more and find that her and Thom got eachother very well.

They got to marry eachother and get two little kids, named Adam and Lola. These are know to be Øgler and Mytha hibrids, having half of their bodys made of shadow and mimic water to fit their aquatic lifestyle, from there, thats history.

Backstory Renaissance setting

The century is XVI, a Renaissance close to Baroque era, but simplified by just calling it Renaissance. This era was full of conflict, mosly political, by people who belived in the monarchist system and others who wanted a republic kind of system. There were two nacions at this time, an Øgler kindom and a Mythalian contry. The Øglers had a monarchy, being a kindom of water drakes, while the Mythalians had a Republic, being beings made of shadow or light that can imitate an anthropomorphic look, with animal based looks.

Thom is one of the Øglers who lived on the kindom, having an adoptive sister named Oasis and a best friend named Orca. His friends and himself were growing up on families wich had a conection as royal guards to the monarchy, now they are following that line with being royal guards themsefls, even if they dont want to.

After many years of training, they got to become real close to the new queen, Martha, wich was know to be an adventurous queen. Martha made them the royal group, having Thom as their leader. A lot of times Martha tried to seduce him, only to fail since he was never interested. Oasis was mosly againts this, since she cared about her little brothers well being, helping him away from his smoking addiction, meanwhile Orca belived the queens effords in making the kindom flourish.

Something happended in the kindom, recent atacks from assasin groups of Mythalians were recorded happening arround the kingdom, people were robbed, killed and missing. One of these groups had eyes on balued information from higher ups, and Thom with his group were tasked to defend the castle. The group had no mercy, their leader has experience on the medical field, getting ways to harm the group in serious ways. 

Those were hard days, and Thom tried to get away from the stress when he had days off, ofered by the Queen trying to get points on him, but allways wanting for his friends and sister to get the day off as well. For years, he was metting up a girl that found him by his music talent, being pretty helpfull and even having very high knolege about the assasin group, he also found that their leader was going arround town alone and got to fight with him when he could. He started to get more and more of those encounters, hoping to one day catch it off guard. Why he didnt tell the others about his little encounters were mosly for their safety. Its a leader by leader.

He started to know more about the girl, and leader of the assasin group. He noticed how the girl knows suspiciosly too much, telling him exact locations and even tips on how Myths worked, wich was pretty interesting for him to know. He also had a grown attachement to the girl, she was named Patry, she was allways there to help him, know about him, even lisening him playing the piano or violin. He one day, on his mettings with the enemy, his way there was interrupted by Oasis, getting that his little night outs were suspicious and that his breathing health was getting worse, he tried to make Oasis sure that he was okey, but she keep pushing, telling him that the doctors are noticecing his poor water breathing skills. Even after that, he still went to the metting.

He waited for the leader to arribe, and insted of having another battle for domanance, the person grabed his cigarrete and destroyed in front of him and showed himsefl, or better be, herself. It was Patry, she was mimicing the look of an Øgler to get closer to Thom and get information, but insted, she related to him. The stress of a job you didnt ask for, the inspiration to do something else. She wants to heal people, not kill or seduce randos. Thom wants to play music and write books, not to be a feared elite force. The moment , ofcourse, was awlward for both of them, needing some time to think on what to say to eachother. They maybe took some time, but then Patry explained, to her best, what all of this is. She was obligated to be working on a mafia, conected to the big powers of the republic contry, and their goal is to make the monarchy fail and give information to abuse againts the people and everyone else.

She could have explained it further, but then, a great fire was started in the kindom. Everything was a flaze. Thom went back to his group to resque people traped, while Patry went back to her squad to guide them to safety. During the event, Thom was getting trapped in the flames and Patry seeing that, she went to help. Once she did that, one of her assasins, called Mira, went in and had Thom traped with a knife in his neck. Patry tried to stop her, but then she also got atacked by something worse. Oasis saw this, and atacked the lyx with her own teeht, bitting part of her face off in rage for attaking her little brother. Thom didnt take this well. While Mira and Oasis had a fight, they realiced that Thom was having Patry on his arms, then he runned away.

After that, both were missing and seached. Martha leading the team searching for Thom, with more people to help. Another team was also seaching, but for Patry, having the main boss of the mafia with Patry's friends going to seach for her. Both parties wanted to safe their ally, and both wanted to kill the enemy.

The two were still on the run, Thom helping Patry to heal. On their hidding, they found a cave, with something weird inside, a door. A door in a cave? How its that there? They oppened it only to find a whole new world on the other side. There was buildings they never saw before, combined with nature with the most unnatural colors. They were alone, together, and the door back just desapeared behind them, now all they need to do, is explore.


  •  Relationship  Partner 

Patry is his greatest love in life. A doctor with many knowlege on the field. Pretty calm and sweet, makes the best companion to his life. Knowned her later in life and helped her out in getting our of a toxic relacionship with other friends. Later by a long time they started to grow closer and getting slowly on a relacionship.


  •  Relationship  Adoptive Sister 

Oasis, his adoptive sister. Trys her best to make him stop smoking. Love sports and she is very pretty. She loves him and she took care of him most of his life, since she is his big sister.


  •  Relationship  Friend 

She got him into an active lifestyle and she is now a great teacher arround the city. She helps a lot in getting things to do, and got him into music.