
6 years, 1 month ago




Hello, God? It's me again. Y'know.. Still suffering..


"Is this what it feels like to die?" Unfortunately, if you know Skylar, this is something you'll be hearing a lot. Messed up, stressed up, and very depressed up, Skylar is a cynical, nervous, mentally unstable trainwreck, which he copes with through unrelenting -- and unfunny -- self deprecating jokes. What a catch, right?

Fortunately for him, this is not the extent of his personality. Underneath the multiple layers of emotional baggage, Skylar is a quiet, sweet man whose main intention is to keep his head down and save up enough money to afford heating during the winter, though this goal is thwarted time and time again by toxic relationships and fresh trauma. His story deals with incredibly sensitive subjects such as domestic abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, self harm, and suicide, so most content containing him will likely have a good amount of warnings.

Name Skylar Jay Smith
Age 22
Gender Male
Orientation Hetero
Height 6'6
Occupation Waiter
  • Dyes his hair himself, and has ever since high school -- rarely changes color, though.
  • Has a habit of scratching, picking, and nail biting when nervous.
  • Secretly really enjoys self care products like lotions, bath bombs, and fuzzy socks.
  • Self taught the ukulele, but sold his old one for cash during a rough patch.
  • Somewhat of a coffee snob, but usually chugs straight black because it's easier to make.
  • Has a few unusual things to note -- blobby, almost winglike birthmarks on his back, a large birthmark on the side of his nose, and left handed.
I like my coffee like I like my women: hot, bitter, and if I'm not careful I'll end up witih third degree burns and a hospital visit.

Drivers, please be courteous of us pedestrians and hit us at full speed. Please.
Q: A penny for your OC's thoughts?

Skylar: Oh, uh, I don't know. I've got work in a few hours, so I'm pretty stressed about that. Alli came home late again and woke me up and I can't go back to sleep, so I'm thinking of cooking something to make myself useful. Maybe make something and leave it in the fridge for her.. Maybe chicken alfredo.. Do we have chicken? I think we have leftover chicken in the fridge. My hand hurts. God, I wish I'd used a damn oven mitt, this blister is really bumming me out.

Q: So what is your greatest achievement? And what do you hope to achieve in the future?

Skylar: Well, I got an apartment. That's pretty good, yeah? I've got a job, an apartment, a really hot girlfriend, what more could I even want? Haha. ..Maybe a new pair of socks would be nice. And heating.

Q: What keeps you up at night?

Skylar: Probably insomnia or something. Existential dread. The steady march of time that guides us to our deaths. Haha. Ah.. I mean, I don't know. It does stress me out a bit that I don't always know where Alli is or when she'll be home, but that's kinda dumb.

Opinions on...

Oh, I adore this man. Childhood and current best friend.

My beautiful girlfriend. I love her.

Kid I used to babysit! Love him, still hang out sometimes.

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