


1 year, 2 months ago


Daria Morgendorffer, Daria.
1:16 3:11

Warrior | 48 moons old | She/Her

"Sometimes your shallowness is so thorough it's almost like depth..."

A molly much like her mother, Wolfstripe. This stone furred she-cat doesn't show of her emotions very often. Keeping a placid expression. Although occasionally you can crack a smile out of her if you try hard enough.Pebbleshine is Pineclan's gravedigger and is in charge of looking after graves.

  • Birds. Pebbleshine spent most of her apprenticeship confined to the medic's den due to her sickly nature. There was not much she could do there, but watch the birds that flew by. Her father, Moonwhisper, would often visit his daughter and share interesting bird facts with his kit, sparking a passion for the winged creatures within the cat.
  • Foggy mornings. The molly enjoys liminal spaces where she can indulge in the silence they provide. It's those misty mornings where the sun is disguised behind dark clouds that she enjoys the most.
  • Ghost tales. Pebble enjoys the obscure, and bittersweet stories that reflect any strong emotions. The tabby specifically enjoys scary stories, and scaring her clanmates with them. Their reactions are priceless.
  • Speaking. Not because she dislikes it, but rather because she'd not very good at it. Pebbleshine has a talent for making conversations uncomfortable by sharing some somber fact about how bodies decompose, scaring away anyone trying to befriend her.
  • Crowded spaces. They are overwhelming, and Pebbleshine is not a fan of other cat's aromas. She often skips name ceremonies, clan meetings, and any major event that would require the entirety of the clan to be present in the same place.
  • Germs. Having been sick the majority of her early youth, Pebbleshine is determined to never get sick again and enjoy all the experiences she could before. If you sneeze, she will run off to the opposite corner of camp.


True neutral | INTJ | - | The hermit
Uninterested Choleric Aloof

Pebbleshine has little to no interest in regard to her clanmates' affairs and prefers to be a good example to others by minding her own business. This molly keeps most of her thoughts to herself and only speaks concerning birds, their nests, or variations. She is short-tempered ticking bomb ready though Pebbleshine keeps her anger to herself as well, opting to leave camp to clear her head.

The molly can be rather nervous at times and can stumble over her words whenever she attempts to socialize with those around her. Pebbleshine has an eerie and ghostly vibe to her, which doesn't help her much when it comes to making friends.



Average size | Lithe | Odd

Pebbleshine is a marbled grey tabby with medium-length fur, her eyes are forest green and resemble her mother's.

She has somewhat of an athletic build and her limbs are long and slender. Pebbleshine has dark tufted ears and a thick silver mane covering her neck and chest. The molly's features are sharp and angular, giving her a fierce appearance the moment one lays eyes on her.

Important Notes
  • Pebbleshine gives the impression that she should be taller than she actually is.
  • Her stripes ressemble the marbling in stones.
  • Her left eye is always covered, however this is only a style choice.


Sticks and stones...

Pebbleshine was born into Pineclan alongside her siblings, Sparrowheart and Batpool. The three were a small litter, but their parents, Wolfstripe and Moonwhisper cherished them from the second they laid eyes on their kittens. Pebblekit was quite a reserved kitten, while Sparrowkit had an easy time making friends and Batpool at least attempted to speak to others, the grey tabby would only keep to herself, living her first moons of life glued to her mother's side.

As an apprentice, unfortunetly Pebblepaw spent most of her time confined into the medics' den due to her sickly nature, often falling ill, which prevented her from performing as well as the rest of the clan's young. She'd spend most of her time talking to her father and studying birds, which would become a hyperfixation of hers. Later than most of her clanmates, Pebblepaw would earn her warrior name, Pebbleshine, in honor of Whitestar desceased sister.

After the flood:

Unfortunetly, Pebbleshine had her paws full following the flood. She still feels fatigues from the graves and memorials she had to dig. The molly is not one to console others, but she secretly hopes to support her clanmates by looking after their desceased loved ones resting places.


Pebbleshine is neutral towards her clan, while she doesn't dislike them, she's not close enough to the majority of its clan to prioritize anyone over herself.


Juniperseed is not quiet close to Pebbleshine, but the mollies share lots of thing in common, making the ginger warrior easier to tolerate than most of her clanmates. Pebbleshine thinks her girlfriend is kind of too much at times though.



The molly care for her parents as much as she cares for her siblings. She values them and is the most vulnerable around them. Pebbleshine is a daddy's girl, however she still greatly looks up to her mother.