


1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Original Value

anniversary MYO


Name: Maeglin                              Species: Ealeoch
Age: 55 years
Gender: male
Sexuality: prefers males, but isn't picky. Rather pansexual as a rule
Relationship status: single
Parents: n/a

Mutations: Doe, Noodle Body, Fins, Face Horns, Enlarged (tail), Scale Patches, Odd Pupils (slits), Cloven Hooves (back only), Giraffe Neck, Coloration (and glow), Growths (obsidian ribbing, spikes, eyes)
Personality: stand-off-ish, rather wary and hard to get close to. He's fairly jaded in his old age, but is willing at least to offer the experience his age has given him when asked - politely. He's rather irritable/crotchety in the mornings - clear night owl vibe - and will hermit on anyone if given half the chance. He often goes off out in the woods to be alone and mediate on various things for months on end. Many think he only respects Io, but he is willing to respect anyone so long as they respect him in return. Very low tolerance for idiots/bullies/stupidity in general, likes kids and is extremely patient with them. Will protect kids with a vengeance
History: tbd

Other Details: Seaweed is often wrapped around the larger fins and sometimes his horns, but he doesn't care. He chews on them like a farmer chews a wheat stick. Legs are long, lean and extremely delicate looking, belying the danger he can become. He has extra spikes along his spine that are in reality crystal growths, melding in with the plating across his back. Sleek white w/ gold etched scales across his arms and legs.

Food preference: seafood, favorite is shrimp, but he'll eat any kind of fish
Feelings about humanoids: rather hostile, but not actively so. He'd rather avoid them if at all possible.
Herd: Hallowfire
Job in herd: Seer
Relationships: friendship open | mates closed