Tęgomir Venoušek



1 year, 5 months ago



Tęgomir Venoušek

In skies of old, where legends spin,

An ancient beast, with wings akin.

With mouth so sweet, so poisonous,

Whispers of breezes, it's said to bestow,

In its gentle embrace, the winds doth flow.

An old beast, Tęgomir Venoušek is said to carry the sky upon his wings. One of the swiftest of creatures, it is told that he is the creator of winds and breezes alike.


Tęgomir Venoušek is an old being. Known as the creator of winds, it is fabled that he carries the sky upon his wings and pulls clouds. His whereabouts are unknown, but it has been rumoured that he resides upon the land's highest of peaks. One of the kinder dragons, Tęgomir Venoušek's presence has been common throughout generations. It was foretold that if offered a gift, he would return the favour and present a feather from his wings. It offered mortals the ability to grant a singular wish, however, like the other beasts, sightings of Tęgomir Venoušek have grown scarce, and with him, the wind.


Most cherished among farmers, Tęgomir Venoušek was said to bless them with winds and clear skies, ensuring them a bountiful harvest. He was known to carry clouds with his tail and the breeze upon his wings, blessing crops and grain in the process. A minor deity, Tęgomir Venoušek was cherished nonetheless. Some villages prayed to the deity more than others, and to this day, it isn't uncommon to see farmers visit shrines dedicated to the air god.

Renowned for his interaction with mortals, he was considered a sociable deity, delighting in the various treats and games offered by humans. As a token of gratitude for their hospitality, Tęgomir Venoušek unfailingly bestowed blessings upon the land and granted modest wishes in return for their kindness. Yet, as a capricious deity, it was also foretold that those who denied him hospitality would face the wrath of curses upon their land and a shroud of clouds to obscure the sun.

Alias Tęgomir
Age Unknown
Gender Masculine
Height Unknown
Ability Air
Place of Origin Unknown