Peltiru Sandree



1 year, 18 days ago


Tavern Owner from the Sandree Clan

Name: Peltiru Sandree

Sex: Female

Age: 257

Spirit: Definitive & Leisurely

Residence: Wooloram Territory, Wooloram Isles, Peltiru's Tavern

From the Sandree Clan, Peltiru started out as a traveling merchant dealing in the trade of silky clothing and jewellery, then settled down in the Sandree Oasis Village with her recently wedded (at the time) husband, where they live happily together and had many children before he would meet his end at the bottom of the ocean one hundred and eighty years into their marriage.

Peltiru Sandree would start to grow tired of living in the lovely desert oasis and embarked on one last journey to the north western end of the Empire and just a few years ago arrived in the Wooloram Isles where it would rain very often and hard, this was the perfect location for her settle down and start fresh as a tavern keeper.