Atlas [Peridot 1XK]



1 year, 2 months ago




Designation Cut-1XK Facet-0002
Nickname Atlas
Gem Type Era 1 Peridot
Pronouns He/Him
Gem Placement Chest
Age Early Era 1, ~148,000
Role Rebel Leader
Height 7'3"
Alignment Rebel
Sexuality Homosexual [Gay]


  • Off-Colored Eyes (Red)
  • Corruption
  • Extra Pink Coloration


  • Painting
  • Tonga
  • The Color Pink

Atlas is a Peridot fueled by an undying determination to be better than the Empire in every way. Rising up from just a simple technician to a great rebel leader he hadn’t given up even in his moments of great peril. However, his long lived life has taken a toll on him as a gem. He’s less active then he was in the past, entering a type of retirement but not fully. During his time under the sea, trapped inside a fusion, his personality picked up traits from the gems he was fused with. Taking on the bluntness of the Lapis Lazuli and the brashness and anger of the Jasper. He tries to conceal these traits of himself, but they do sometimes leak out. With everything being said, Atlas is still a greatly compassionate gem, caring for those around him and being the guiding hand his rebellion needs.


Era 1, the very start of the Empire. Out of a vein of some of the very first Peridots to ever be produced comes Peridot 1XK, a standard cut, standard build, everything an Era 1 should be. 1XK was assigned to the Crystal Station in Sector 1, Crystal Teal Diamond's station for her personal projects at the time. He worked as a technician for the station, though a few Peridots did work as scientists, he was not one of them. The beginning years as a technician were rather short lived, he found himself growing tired of work, tired of commands from his superiors and tired of commands from Crystal Teal themself.

Tides of Change

The Demantoid he was then transferred to work under was nice albeit, but about half way through the first half of Era 1, 1XK was struck with something. He ran into some troubles at the kindergarten he was working in at the time, specifically with the production of one of Crystal Teal's personal Emeralds that was being made at the time. He was called to have a meeting with his diamond herself (since he was the one in charge of that Emerald's production) and Crystal Teal laid into him about how important it was to make this Emerald perfect and how important they'd be. But it was also that moment upon seeing Crystal Teal in person he realized- he can be better than this diamond. He rebelled that very same day and began his journey to founding a rebellion.

The Paramounts

The middle of Era 1 was a busy time for him, first he took up the nickname of Atlas. After that he founded a rebellion known as the Paramounts, a rebellion whose entire purpose and ideology was built around surpassing the diamonds in every single way possible, proving themselves better than their creators. Many new faces and gems joined his rebellion, a few notable ones were Tonga and Acrid, an Ocean Jasper and a Zircon respectively. His rebellion worked on a rank based system from the very start with himself as the head of it all. It was great in all honesty, it was perfect and successful. The Paramounts were flourishing under his guidance, they had allies in some of the larger rebellions around them, many would say it was going too well for him and the Paramounts.


Atlas had run into another Zircon by the name of Faith, a yellow Zircon who was close with Acrid, Atlas' third in command at the time. Faith was a strong spirited gem however too strong spirited for the likes of the Empire. After returning one day after a long venture into the Empire, Faith had ended up corrupted to the point that she knew she was going to lose herself. So, she did what she thought was right at the time, begging Atlas to shatter her and let her rest. He did just that through breaking tears, her corruption stained shards littered at his feet. It was only a moment later that Acrid rounded the corner and flew into a rage, in that very moment of Atlas shattering Faith, Acrid would do something to avenge her death. Calling down a Malachite fiercely loyal to Acrid, Acrid ordered them to dispose of Atlas, get rid of him but not shatter him. What that Malachite did was drag Atlas away into the depths of an ocean filled planet, holding him there, under the waves for two and a half eras inside a forced fusion. No matter how much he cried for freedom, begged with the Malachite's components to let him go or just wept, he was locked under those waves. Only the components of the Malachite inside that forced fusion with himself and them for company. Eras and eras of talking really does make a gem reflect on themselves.


Yet it was one day in the later part of Era 5 that his wishes for freedom were granted. Acrid has called the Malachite back into service, overriding the order to hold Atlas there. Atlas was left stranded in an endless sea, but due to his quick thinking and a nearby flying ship he was able to be rescued. Masquerading as a loyalist for a short time he found his way to a warp pad and headed to the nearest Paramount base he knew of. Learning very quickly that the rest of the rebellion thought he was shattered.


He knew he wasn't shattered, he was in fact right there. So after finding out the location of where most of the leaders of his rebellion were he went rushing in. Getting first hand updates on what was happening from one of his scouts. Acrid was trying to take over the rebellion from Coast, the Rutile who took up the leadership position after Atlas was "shattered". Atlas was able to make it in time and regroup with most of his rebellion, meeting up with Tonga, who was actually a part of Acrid's plan before he realized how terrible that plan was. After a lot of apologizing and tears, him and the surviving members of his rebellion ran to Acrid and cornered him. Eventually poofing and sealing him away in a seven layered bubbled under the ocean, much like Acrid had done to him. Though that wouldn't be the last time he would see Acrid.

Modern Day

After all was said and done, the rebellion adjusted to their founder being back and life went on better than ever. Atlas was free and his rebellion was whole again. Slowly over time did he also come to realize his feelings for Tonga after what he realized was eras of pining. From a confession that got him a boyfriend to another run in with Acrid along the way, Atlas' life after being freed from his prison has certainly been something. His only wish now is to carry on leading his rebellion in peace and eventually live out his end days with the love of his life in solitude. He wants nothing to do with the Empire but the goal of surpassing the diamonds is always still in the back of his mind.


  • His birthdate would technically be on May 22nd.
  • He is forever a peridot at heart, messing with technology and making it do funny things or things it shouldn’t is a big part of his life. Although many times it has exploded in his face.
  • Atlas is a big painter, the Paramount’s base, be it old or new ones are covered in his works of art. He has to make his own paint from organic life, but he’s got it down to a science.
  • He has a crippling fear of most water. While a small amount doesn’t scare him too much, even just a large basin can send him spiraling. He generally avoids the water basins in the Paramount base.
  • Speaking of the Paramount base, their current one is an old shrine. Under one of the statues is what has been dubbed the Pillow Cave where Atlas and Tonga often sleep and cuddle.
  • His corruption is fully voluntary, meaning that he can control the spread of it and possibly even uncorruption himself. But he refuses to do so, since he took on the corruption as a sign of love to Tonga.
  • His rebellion’s symbol are two colliding spirals, he wears his as an earring with a little blue jewel added on.
  • He adores the color pink but only took it into his outfit after being released from the ocean.
  • Atlas is incredibly athletic and flexible, he can often be seen scaling the statues of the Paramount base but also just bounding at high speeds along treetops during missions.



Tonga [Husband]

The love of Atlas’ life. A gem he met all the way back in Era 1 when he was a loyalist but it wouldn’t be later down the line that Tonga would become one of the first members of the Paramounts. Atlas fell in love with Tonga fairly quickly, however neither of the two had the confidence to ask each other out so they were left pining for about 4 or 5 eras. In the end the two got together and have faced many challenges. Atlas’s corruption stems from a fusion with Tonga and he willingly took on the fusion to be closer to his partner, devoting himself to the Ocean Jasper fully and forever.


Acrid [Enemy]

A Zircon he’d rather never see again this lifetime or even the next one. Acrid imprisoned Atlas under an ocean for shattering Acrid’s lover, when the lover asked due to corruption. Acid basically took over Atlas’ rebellion, or at least tried. Lying to anyone and everyone, telling them that Atlas was shattered. When it comes down to it, Atlas utterly despises this Zircon and would wish the same fate if not a worse one onto him anyday.


Noxious [Complicated Enemy]

The Malachite that Atlas was fused with under that ocean planet for the 2 eras. He should hate them, but honestly, finds it hard. When you are fused with two other gems for so long there is little left to do but just talk. Atlas even picked up some mannerisms from the two components, brashness and sometimes quick to snap in anger. He’s tried to tone the emotions down, but it hasn’t worked very well. He doesn’t know what to think of Noxious or the gems that make up such a complex fusion.


Coast [Rebellion Sub-Leader]

The Rutile sub-leader of Atlas’ rebellion, the Paramounts. Coast is put in charge of most of the rebellion’s exploits are Atlas in his old age and experiences has grown tired and less active then his prime years. He trusts Coast greatly and if anything were to happen to him, Coast would take over the rebellion as its leader. This is actually what happened when Atlas was under that ocean. In short, if anything were to happen to Atlas, he knows the rebellion would be in good hands thanks to Coast.