Tanaka Aya



1 year, 2 months ago



"I just try to be honest with myself and also with others... If you cannot handle a little criticism, maybe you have a problem"

【name】 Aya Tanaka
【speciality】 Clubs♣️
【gender】 Female
【age】 27
【occupation】 Detective
【Borderlands citizenship】 Citizen
【demeanor】 Blunt


Aya is someone blunt, frank and doesn't like stalling, she is the kind of person who goes straight to the point with people and tends to not care about how they feel when she says what she's thinking. She tends to show an aggresive face towards most people when she doesn't know about them or when she sees someone who cannot deal with their own problems. This doesn't really mean she doesn't care about her friends and she tries to measure her words with them around. She is actually a caring person, who would do anything for her loved ones, and is also someone who tends to be quite sarcastic but enjoys making a funny environment around her. She's clever and really observative, having a sharp sight which allows her notice even the smallest details around her. She's also a good listener too





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus a dolor dapibus, bibendum turpis non, laoreet turpis. Nullam vulputate auctor lacus, id aliquam nunc lacinia ut. Integer congue ornare ante consectetur tempus. Morbi viverra scelerisque sem. Aenean lacinia tellus turpis, in ultrices ante cursus et. Morbi nunc felis, lacinia sit amet eros molestie, lobortis cursus leo. Morbi consequat convallis quam, vel pellentesque sapien tristique sed. Donec eget leo sit amet felis iaculis aliquam. Donec faucibus leo ligula. Quisque ultrices nisl in erat porttitor, eget rutrum nisi porttitor. Sed id mi cursus, porttitor tortor congue, euismod lacus. Sed interdum sem turpis, in pulvinar dolor semper at. Duis in sem tincidunt, feugiat diam eget, sodales mi. Phasellus nec eleifend nulla. Nulla viverra, turpis vestibulum scelerisque luctus, sapien eros venenatis massa, at faucibus tortor turpis a nulla. Fusce mattis, sem eget tempor sodales, lorem magna placerat ipsum, a interdum libero magna vel ex.

Donec condimentum ut felis hendrerit auctor. Proin laoreet suscipit leo, in congue nisi fringilla non. Duis justo risus, pellentesque non aliquet vel, aliquam eget mauris. Proin et tempus nulla, in condimentum arcu. Vivamus pulvinar feugiat facilisis. Suspendisse est dui, molestie id luctus at, accumsan sit amet leo. Quisque condimentum eleifend neque, eu placerat dolor varius vehicula. Suspendisse eget ultrices metus, venenatis posuere tellus. Proin sit amet venenatis risus. Aliquam gravida orci et efficitur sagittis. Maecenas a sagittis metus. Etiam congue augue feugiat nisl malesuada efficitur sed at augue.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus a dolor dapibus, bibendum turpis non, laoreet turpis. Nullam vulputate auctor lacus, id aliquam nunc lacinia ut. Integer congue ornare ante consectetur tempus. Morbi viverra scelerisque sem. Aenean lacinia tellus turpis, in ultrices ante cursus et. Morbi nunc felis, lacinia sit amet eros molestie, lobortis cursus leo. Morbi consequat convallis quam, vel pellentesque sapien tristique sed. Donec eget leo sit amet felis iaculis aliquam. Donec faucibus leo ligula. Quisque ultrices nisl in erat porttitor, eget rutrum nisi porttitor. Sed id mi cursus, porttitor tortor congue, euismod lacus. Sed interdum sem turpis, in pulvinar dolor semper at. Duis in sem tincidunt, feugiat diam eget, sodales mi. Phasellus nec eleifend nulla. Nulla viverra, turpis vestibulum scelerisque luctus, sapien eros venenatis massa, at faucibus tortor turpis a nulla. Fusce mattis, sem eget tempor sodales, lorem magna placerat ipsum, a interdum libero magna vel ex.

  • She has knowledge in personal defense
  • She loves dogs and had one as a pet
  • She wanted to become a nurse before joining the Borderlands, but did not have time to finish her studies

Kyuma Ginji

[ Close friends/love interest ]

they in love for a long time guys you cant tell

Okay they actually met in a bar where Aya was working to earn some money, and she became friends with him and also with Shitara, Uta, Maki and Goken (his bandmates), and she developed a strong bond with him. Bond which will increase in the Borderlands. She will be the queen of diamonds and he will be the king of clubs. What could go wrong lol

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