盆 | Kuroha (EHEHEHE)



What a FUCKING ASSHOLE (affectionate)

He used to be nicer I think

He was born a heavenly, had a handful of other mortals before though grew bored lmfao and decided to fuck around

He did a lil experimenting with his guardian abilities then got carried away with Onitsuka and had a bit of a murder spree lmfao

Wasn’t a big fan of how stuck up some other angemos were so was like vibe check oops ur a fallen now rip bozo 

Bon’s mortal before Onitsuka had committed a murder before and it may or may not have stuck with Bon lmao, and he wanted to try that again though still decided against it but that like went on and on and that kinda triggered Bon’s blood kink(JOKE KFJSKGOKSIGKA), Bin did rlly like the adrenaline of keeping his mortal safe from the fucking Police, and kinda wanted more of that so oops he gets assigned to Onitsuka and oh boy all hell breaks loose

He felt a weird sense of adrenaline when stakes were high and guardian/ing was getting rlly boring lol

He likes messing with other fallens it’s funny, especially the guilty ones, he thinks it’s so funny when he scares them/when they break down bc of guilt and regret

(Fun name/design fact

Bon/Obon is the Buddhist event for commemorating one's ancestors, whose spirits are believed to temporarily return to this world in order to visit their relatives during Obon.

Kuroha means the color black, obv. Ik he’s a moth bc of the fucked up antennae but like, hey he can also double as a black butterfly which often means death)