Basic Info










February 9


Age: 21

Gender/pronouns: He/Him

Species: Dry Bones

family: No known family

Friends: No close friends

Terra was once a brave and adventurous Koopa! However, due to unfortunate events, he is now a fearless and determined dry bones. Now as a dry bones, he does seem to show a little more anxiety and worry than he once used to, but overall, he is very tough and eager while living within the forest around Bowsers castle. Being one of the more resourceful dry bones out there, he makes his own huts, food and other necessities all out of things he finds in the forest he calls home. He loves traveling and telling stories about his past as an adventurer and all the rough patches he has gone through just to encourage others to go out into the wild to enjoy nature. He loves animals and plants, having a soft spot for baby animals as he helps them if they are in need when he sees them around the forest. He only fears one animal, a bear. He was killed by a bear, being the reason he is a dry bone. He respects the creatures, though from a safe distance. He hides among trees and bushes if one is nearby, only rarely helping a bear cub if absolutely necessary. He also will tend to others as well if he sees other koopas, troop members and dry bones wandering the forest! He provides them with water, food and safety tips or first aid.

Terra grew up with the urge to explore the moment he was able to step food outside. He wanted to study and explore forests as a hobby and a career, which lucky for him became a reality when he was 17 years old. He loved dressing up in his nature gear and taking notes and collecting specimens from various forests and seeing how animals and bugs reacted in certain environments. Terra wrote many journals that made their ways into popular news articles. Unfortunately, on one of his expeditions, he found himself cornered by a grizzly bear that he was observing. Admittedly, he knew he was too close to the bears territory. The bear attacked him, leaving him there for many months before he awakened as a dry bones. Confused and covered in overgrowth and vines, he knew what had happened to him and suddenly felt as if he was now bound by the forest. Unable to leave, he made himself at home here, still with all the same passions he had before, and although he now has a lingering fear of bears, he will never blame the one that attacked him he knows now to be more mindful. Terra is still no less of a brave explorer but is upset at the fact he is only bound within this forest for the rest of time so there's not much exploring he can do if he knows the ins and outs of this forest. He has more episodes of being a bit shy and reserved, as he never really gets to talk to people anymore. When he does though, he talks and talks and talks. He always keeps his old adventurer's bag on him that contains first aid, fruits he finds, fresh water and his journal that he still writes in. He is a huge fan of thunderstorms and rain, as he loves playing around and jumping in puddles.


  • Learned how to weave flowers and leaves to make blankets and clothes

  • He leaves leaf and dirt trails wherever he walks

  • The plants and overgrowth that grow on him need trimmed often as they grow rather quickly and make movement hard

  • He lives in a small mud and rock hut he made on the ground, as has a large treehouse he built that he hides in when he notices hunters are around, he is afraid of hunters.

  • Very behind when it comes to modern technology

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: The Moss by Cosmo Sheldrake