

Name: Roon
Gender: female
Companion Type: Demi
Collar Type: Stray
Species: Fantasy Cat

Personality: Has a pretty indepent personality, likes to do things by herself and make her own decisions. Doesn't take directions well when they come from people, but likes to learn from books. As a youngling she's also very carefree and a little mischievous, but once her psychic abilities increase her carefree attitude slowly decreases (noticeable once she hits stage 3 and onward). She's also very strong willed, not one to give up and she tries to always gets what she wants.  She likes the playground (especially the climbing frames and the swings), is creative, likes board games and just like her sister she also enjoys nature and reading.

Twin sister of Adriana. From a young age Roon is rather independent and carefree where Adriana is much more negative and tries to act controlling, which tends to drive them apart. They care for each other, but they often don't really get along very well.

Psychic Ability

Roon is able to see auras. At first only around non-living objects, but as she develops her ability she will be able to see them in plants, animals and eventually other people including herself. At the top of her ability she will be able to identify auras in other beings and cleanse her own aura. Example link to look at:

1. Roon sees vague hues of color around non-living objects sometimes, but doesn't really know what that means yet. She tries to focus on them, but it gives her bad headaches. She learns about the existence of auras at the end of this stage, but still has no control over her skill. It seems to come and go at random times and trying to focus sometimes makes it disappear instead of making it clearer. -- Current Level --

2. Now that she knows what it is she can do she is trying to improve and practice. The headaches are not lessening yet and hit her often, so she cannot practice her skills for long, but she is slowly improving and will have no trouble seeing auras around non-living objects and also start being able to see auras around plants instead of only non-living objects. She also learns what the colors mean so she can interpret what she sees better.

3. Getting more used to her skill her headaches now don't come on as quickly or suddenly, but when they occur it still takes a long time for them to go away. Roon also improves her skills enough to start seeing auras around animals, especially when focusing but also at random and sometimes unwanted times. The many moments of practice have increased her skills, so she can see them more often, but it's not only when she's focusing on seeing one, it also happens at times that might be very inconvenient. It becomes more noticeable to other people that there's something strange going on with Roon, as she can get lost in her own world when noticing an animal's aura.

4. Roon is now learning to see auras around people, but this is a lot more taxing. She is learning to deal with the headaches better and knows her limits better, so they aren't as bad or as frequent, but still present. She still hasn't learned how to block her ability very well and sometimes she sees things she wish she had not and they freak her out. She's not any good at hiding this from others, so it's likely to damage some relationships as she learns what to share and what not to share about her ability.

5. At full capability Roon can usually block her ability when wanted so she isn't confronted with seeing people's auras when she doesn't want to, but it doesn't always work, when she's feeling strong emotions herself or when she's tired there is no filter and thus she still sees things she might not want to know about. She's also learned to look at her own aura and cleanse it, so she recovers from her headaches faster and learns to deal with what she sees in better ways, but she still suffers from headaches every so often. While she can deal with the things she sees better and can usually hide her response to what she sees from the people around her, she'll continue to struggle with choices on what to share with others and what to keep to herself.