

1 year, 2 months ago


Bagbean #4583 Bzzz

Aurelian "Auri" Raijin 


A very eccentric bean who was outcast from his hometown for "crimes against science". He now travels Griffia alone, touting himself to be some great exorcist and conning people out of money as he goes, even though he doesn't believe in ghosts or demons or what have you.

He has complete control over electric pulses that run through him as a result of some botched experiments in his heyday. He can emit small sparks and shocks through his hands normally but can create faux lightning storms and use electricity as a projectile weapon among other things if connected to an energy source. His orb is his main source of power, its origins are unknown even to him but he believes it to be some sort of ancient, self charging battery made of technology long since forgotten. 

More info tba! 💖

Birthday November 3rd.

Design Notes: He has heterochromia! His left eye (Our right) is yellow and his right eye (Our left) is blue! ^^