Jupter Pineer




Name/Pronounciation: Jupter Pineer

Nicknames: None

Age: 8.77 sweeps (19 years)

Birthday: 12/27

Species: Alternian Troll

Height: 6'2

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual, Panromantic

Significant Other: None

Family: Eaglemom (lusus), The Detective (ancestor, dead)

Friend(s): Sanurt Tittan

Former Friend(s): Urnuss Vayoge, Pluteo Kuiper, Solras Liumos

Occupation: None

Allergies: Pollen

Favorite Food: Nachos

Hobbies: Handheld games, reading comic books

Fears/Phobias: Thalassophobia

Addictions: Drugs

Likes: chips, comic books, teddy bears

Dislikes: water, novels, loud noises

Strengths: smart, strong, friendly

Weaknesses: emotionally weak, constantly high as a kite

Weapon(s): Spear

Blood Color: Mint

Trolltag: dirtSky

Quirk: lots of ellipsis (woah...that's cool...)

Dream Moon: Prospit

God Tier: Sylph of Mind

Land: Land of Ash and Knowledge

Power: Mind reading (currently can't use it)

Personality: She’s very laid back and unfocused, potentially caused by an outside source. She just lets anything happen to her and is fine with it at this point. It does seem that she’s actually really intelligent when allowed the ability but also seems very sad, causing her to continue to stick to not thinking for herself.

Backstory: Once a happy and intelligent young lady, she fell for one of her friends, Solras, and kept dropping hints. Solras played along until she decided to read their mind and realized they didn't like her even as a friend. She lashed out verbally and Solras attacked her. She began to avoid being sober to forget the event.

Extra: Has an entire library in hive, prefers to read comic books brought by Sanurt