Prince Vegas



1 year, 2 months ago



Vegas is a mad jester-like royal prince of the Underworld. He is the first borne son of the Halloween King. 

He lives in his own dark, twisted extravagant palace surrounded only by servants hired to serve his every desire. 

Vegas is known by everyone in the Underworld as the "Mad Prince" due to his unpredictable, odd and frightening behaviours. 

True to his appearance, he's also a mischievous trickster known for his expertise at shadowy assassinations, and wanton destruction of property. 

Prince Vegas has many siblings who are also considered royalty. Being the firstborn Vegas considers himself superior, and carries a bitter rivalry with them all - wishing to kill them off so that they never threaten his claim to the throne.


Vegas is known as the "Mad Prince" for a reason. His moods are very unstable - one moment he'll be laughing before he begins to cry. 

His selfishness knows no bounds, he desperately craves whatever he can get his hands on and is always greedy for more. He lives in a twisted palace full of treasures. 

He has an insatiable ego and always wants to be seen as the best. Vegas is especially jealous of his siblings who he feels threatened by. To prove he's the strongest and the rightful heir, he occasionally tries to kill them all through violence and trickery. 

Being raised by servants, Vegas is very spoiled and holds delusions of grandeur. 

Form Changes

Vegas being the son of the Halloween King is considered a Halloween Spirit. His form is dictated by how close October looms. 

His form becomes more powerful and extravagant in October. Directly after the month in November and December Vegas is at his weakest, and becomes a little chibi form.

As the months go by his form gets larger and stronger throughout the year.