
1 year, 2 months ago






00 - (6)
Total Seasons:
1-9A, 1-5B, 6K
Racer ID:

Racer Data:

Wins of all time: [16]
Losses of all time: [24]
Current League(s): Classic, Charity.
Their role during the most recent season (RM): Good sport.
Infamously known for: Inventive wheel stunts.

06 is from the 00 line of racers, and was therefore designed as a highly experimental model.
Listed traits may be largely impractical, though continue to be maintained due to their value as original design elements.
Racer 06 is in no way negatively impacted by this, and undergoes regular routine maintenance.

Primarily copper and wood, with glass lamps. This makes Racer 06 remarkably lighter than many racers, allowing him to reach increased speeds.

Limbs are balljointed, and have been known to lock up during races when insufficiently oiled.

His telescopic upper legs allow for unique mobility opportunities, yet lack integrity as they are completely hollow. Unconvential engine position means that these telescopic rings can extend far into the hollow chassis, full extension length adding 2 feet to 06's usual 6'8 height. He can also further collapse the legs to lower to a minimum height of 5'9.

Some 'golden' areas are brass, though to maintain lightweight structure many elements are only varnished to appear as such, and are actually copper. The fingers, however, are in fact a hard-wearing synthetic material made to imitate metal. They are hollow, and contain mechanisms which allow them to bend. The material is replaced semi-annually.

Three eyes- which could all move independently, yet this feature was removed due to it overwhelming 06's processor. The lamps inside illuminate in dark conditions and when 06 speaks, as does the one on his chest.

Racer 06 is perhaps most infamous for his skates, and the stunts he has been known to accomplish with them when racing. The wheels are brass, and therefore very rarely require replacement.
Notably, these skates did not originally feature brakes- instead, when required to stand still, 06 would rock back and forth on them to maintain balance. He is still known to idly do this on occasion.


06 is commonly known to short-circuit due to extreme heat; attempts have been made to better insulate the copper wiring, yet it still continues to be his greatest struggle. He is largely unseen on the racing scene during the summer, remaining as a commentator.

Uniquely, 06 features two small engines in his legs- hence his iconic brass mufflers. These engines run exclusively on coal gas; subsequently producing a thick smog. This can reduce visibility for other racers, though is for the most part only an inconvenience. is working on an alternative compatible solution.

"No hard feelings!"

  • 7I58HGY.png
  • Only 00 model still officially racing.
  • First racer to effectively use wheels. Strangely, when others were developed of similar design, they could barely stand.
  • Originally painted completely blue. He has not been repainted due to fans becoming accustomed to his "weathered" appearance.
  • Design inspired by 1957's Chevrolet Bel-air.
  • Will often wear his jacket when not racing.
  • Most frequent appearances are alongside Model 01 as a race announcer and commentator.

06 and 01 have always been known to stick together, having been friendly rivals in the earliest days of Roco Racing. Once 06's racing days drew to a close, he became an increasingly regular appearance alongside 01 for racing commentary and radio shows.

The two are good friends, though fans speculate at something more.

Aside from 11 on occasion, Curie is who 06 sees most frequently for routine maintenance checks. This has been the case since he was first manufactured, and the two have come to get along very well with one another. The aftermath of his reckless wheel stunts have not always gone down well, however.

01 | "Mayday"

Being modelled in tribute to the original 00 line, 06 and 01 are perhaps Mayday's greatest supporters- giving the aerial racer a form of mentorship. This has yet to prove overly successful in races, though he is an occasional guest on their radio show and has become a popular commentator on aerial races.