
1 year, 1 month ago

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Once known as Zephyr, this powerful magical beast had been banished to the underworld for devouring the souls of innocent humans. With jet-black scales shimmering in the dimly lit caverns and glowing green eyes that struck fear into any mortal who crossed its path, it roamed the dark realm with a hunger that could never be satiated. It was said that Zephyr's very presence caused nightmares to plague those unfortunate enough to encounter it.

Long ago, before its descent into darkness, Zephyr had been a majestic creature revered by all who beheld its ethereal beauty. But a curse placed upon it by an envious sorcerer twisted its once pure soul, driving it to feed on the life essence of others. Now consumed by remorse and haunted by memories of its past life, Zephyr wandered aimlessly through the shadows of the underworld, hoping for redemption but knowing deep down that it could never undo the atrocities it had committed.

As eons passed and tales of Zephyr became mere whispers among mortals, the beast remained isolated in its infernal prison - condemned to endure an existence devoid of light or hope. And though some may still seek out rumors of a fearsome creature lurking in the depths below, few would dare venture close enough to witness firsthand the true horror that lurked within this cursed being from another realm.

In solitude and sorrow did Zephyr dwell, forever longing for absolution yet resigned to its fate as a soul-devouring monster haunting eternity's shadowed halls.