Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


  • A lot of my characters will contain art/topics of the following: gore (ranging from mild to extreme), blood, death, violence, and mental manipulation, all of these will be tagged appropriately on the character's respective profile.
  • I am a gore artist, some of my pieces in my art tab may be extremely gorey! Always, there will be a sensetive content warning describing what it is on a piece if it goes beyond cuts and bruises.
  • Almost all of my fandom characters are in a relationship with a canon character from their respective media, if this makes you uncomfortable just avoid my Fandom OCs folder.


  • You are more than welcome to draw my OCs! All I ask is that if you do any and I mean any form of sexual content/NSFW to please message me ahead of time for my own comfort!
  • A lot of my characters are trans or nonbinary, please read their pronouns and don't misgender them!
  • Please do not heavily reference any form of my characters period, these are my children and they mean a lot to me. I could care less if you snatch colors from them though, just don't flat out copy my little guys!
  • If you are doing a piece for me that involes: drugs/substance abuse, fires, extreme gore, or involves super bright colors, PLEASE message me about it!
  • Do not heavily simplify my characters to the point of unrecognition, I take pride in my designs and don't mind if you simplify them a little bit but don't flat out remove a whole color!
  • Totally okay if you favorite my characters, however I am not comfortable with my goobers on dreamie lists. Please respect this decision of mine!


Hi hello welcome to my page! Before you look around, please read up on the warnings and rules I have put in place here :)

I use my Toyhouse for archiving as well as a former home for my characters and critters. A lot of my "characters" are hidden as they date pre-COVID but my current/favorites/little guys are all public for anyone to view at anytime! I am constantly working on tweaking and refining the codes of each of my characters so please be patient while I take my time working on writing and reworking codes for them.

Please do note that I suffer with social anxiety as well as depression, sometimes communicating is very difficult for me! I ask that you be patient with me and if you need a response ASAP, best way to reach me is my Discord (tagged on my profile) as PM's on here confuse me. Have a nice night :)!!

MOST OF MY CHARACTERS ARE AUTH ONLY!!! Please look for my authorizing bulletin and comment to be authorized and see them!

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

bright colors

mental health mentions

unsettling imagery

potential epilepsy

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