
1 year, 2 months ago


Io (Ah-yo) - Moon Messenger

Species: red fox

Age: ageless (adult)

Pronounshe/him or they/them

Orientation: heteroromantic asexual (paired with Enya)

Coloration: white w/ periwinkle-black merle points (optional multiform auric markings)

Personality: timid and unsure in new situations, introvert, has a little problem with dissociation/possible visions, soft and kind with those he loves but standoffish with strangers, loyal, gullible, highly spiritually inclined, often daydreams and is more confident on the spiritual plane, reliable and means what he says but may be afraid to enforce his own boundaries, feels calmer around Enya, can be funny when the mood strikes, often points out faults in the plan but is only trying to be helpful, often seen as the voice of reason or common sense. prefers good and nice things because they bring him out of himself and keep him grounded, in the rare case that he's pushed to anger he can become sharp and bitter and take a while to calm down afterwards, if you've broken his trust once he will remain bitter until you've put in the work to fix things