Yume Rei



6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Yume Rei

Age: 16

Sexuality: Lesbian

Pronouns: she/her

Quirk Name: Phantom Presence

Quirk Info: Can astral project herself out of her body and interact with the world through her spiritual form. Through this astral form, she can heal other's wounds with astral energy. She needs time depending on the severity of the wound however. Her astral form can also send out the same energy to harm others, and can minorly form it into walls or other tools if she focuses. Once she leaves her body, however, her physical form falls asleep and collapses. She also must fully return to her body to gain control over it again, which means she needs to know where it is. If she stays out of her body for too long, it can have serious consequences on her health, specifically a loss of feeling in her limbs.

Hero Name: Wraith

Character Info: Quiet and pessimistic. 90% sass. Wears her hair over her eyes 24/7 to hide when she is using her quirk better. Very technically minded, but cares for her friends even if she doesn't show it too often. Will tell you off without any hesitation.