


6 years, 1 month ago


Purchased from SWRpg for $3.60 ($2 + 200 points) on 4/23/2018 || Reference Sheet

"Yes, swooping is bad"

Alistair is often under-estimated, seeming to be a few lights short of a Christmas tree. Quite the opposite actually, Alistair may be a giant dork but he's very intelligent... he just takes a convoluted way to get from Point A to Point B. He was found by Rome as a pup and was taken under her wing because she hopes to nudge his persistent nature into becoming a hardy and proud Arcanine some day. However, ever since Rome had also taken in another Growlithe named Cullen, Alistair became less focused on training and more focused on showing off to his newfound brother-friend--much to the other's annoyance. Alistair is known to take everything thrown his way in stride, even seeming to have no shame when it comes to getting over the most outrageous and downright embarrassing hurdles.