little roaring brier



1 year, 2 months ago



a stocky longhaired cat with patched sorrel fur and dusty golden eyes.

we’ll keep going, oyster— we just have to keep trying.

| nomenclature

brier - for her rosy pelt; named after their mother
mane - like that of a lion; attributed to both her courage and the very literal “lion’s mane” of curly fur around her torso

| age

-- 13 s

| birth season


| gender

molly | she/her

| orientation

bi ; slight female lean

| story


| loyalty

-- cypress

| rank

young warrior

| theme

take me to war - the crane wives


Likely known by most of her clanmates best for her fiery temper, Briermane best embodies the idea that ‘no rose lies without its thorns.’ A rather unassuming little thing, though she won’t let you hold that perception for very long, Brier possesses an attitude that can pack quite a punch— and claws attached to a husky build to back it up. [ Read more ]

Most find Brier to be a shockingly easy friend, so long as they can weather the minor squabbles here and there. She does have the capacity to be quite the charmer, and can worm her way into others’ hearts and slide into getting the things she might want— so long as she can keep her temper in check. While she can be a loving friend, she still has a bad habit of pushing people away if she perceives and internalizes some flaw in the relationship that she doesn’t think she can fix herself.

The only cat who Briermane seems consistently kind to is her littermate, Oysterfreckle. Despite being the same age, Brier looks at Oyster like her ‘big sister’— both in terms of maturity, and just quite literally. From the outside looking in, it seems as though Brier often shuns and pushes off invitations from friends and clanmates to simply stay with Oyster: either watching over her when she seems under the weather, or merely hanging out as just the two of them.

To many outside the pair’s perspective, the Sisters seem almost inseparable at times; despite feeling like they’d be one another’s night and day, the two of them honestly couldn’t be closer. The loss of both of their parents during the great trek at a paramount point of their lives and being named as ‘capable warriors’ so shortly afterwards drove both Brier and Oyster away from others and closer to each other.

In spite of viewing Oyster as an older sister, Brier is often the one taking on a more protective stance and spitting venoms in defense of her. Although she considers herself to be a fairly nice molly— or at least, just a decent one— Brier has zero reservations in regards to standing up for her sister and anyone who may pitch ill at her. While Brier herself sees no issue with this, it’s something that has gotten her into trouble on numerous occasions, thanks to both verbal and physical altercations.

and now i’m infected, with disbelief and blasphemy— i’ll never have a holy land.


With a rather abrasive and somewhat rough demeanor, Briermane is someone whose bark can often end up worse than her bite— but don’t let that have you perceive her as being all-talk. While small, she’s still extremely sturdy and could hold her own in a spat. Her spitfire temper is something that goes on full display to many of those around her, though she does still possess a soft side often shown towards Oyster. Brier isn’t incapable of reason, just much quicker to act on anger than she is to look for a real resolution to anything.

  • Likes
    • cold rain + thunderstorms
    • listening to stories [one of the only ways to shut her up]
    • helping healers
    • small plants + ivies
  • Dislikes
    • interruptions to routine
    • surprises of all sorts
    • …starclan
    • x

















  • Father: cometgaze †
  • Mother: rosebough †
  • Siblings: oysterfreckle
  • Partner: x


Briermane is the youngest in a litter of two kits, with her sister Oysterfreckle being older by a day. Being the sturdier and more fiery of the two, she is often found both picking and finishing fights on her big sister’s behalf. The sisters are, as of now, orphans: they lost both their mother and father in quick succession during the great journey of the clans. Acting as one another’s rock to lean on, Oyster now often provides her little sister with emotional closure on her problems while Brier acts as the older’s social and physical crutch. [ Read more ]

{ title }

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-- cypress clan


Brier doesn’t have a particularly developed opinion of her clan, be it positive or negative. She’s still rather young and looks at things with rose-tinted glasses, but overall she has no great issues with her home. Starclan, however, is a very different story.

Oysterfreckle . [ littermate ] Brier holds Oyster in very high regard, as both a sister and her closest friend. The way she sees it, she could trust Oyster with anything, and hopes that such a feeling is reciprocated and held mutually between the two. To put things very simply: Brier would fight tooth and nail for Oyster— give her life and refuse to go down without a struggle— whatever life demanded for her sake.

Briermane can often be found visiting her sister in their dens and caring or checking in on her on rougher days.

NameHere . [ relation ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.

NameHere . [ relation ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.
  • Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.
  • Curabitur ac finibus eros.
  • Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

code by Leporidactic